You should be proud of yourself Millie, it is astounding how others can have such a negative impact on our self esteem and confidence. I ended up leaving a job I loved because of an Assistant Director, was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I allowed someone else to determine my life choices and allowed someone to dis-empower me. I think my life pretty much disintegrated after that, (too long a story).I won't write today's date...yep I am THAT superstitious
Read the below if you want - not really diet related although mental health impacts on our diet!
Fridays are TOUGH for me for the below reasons:
I, Millie, stopped myself from walking to Tescos and getting my favourite meal deal after going through the above today. I am soooo proud of myself! I talked myself down and said 'I have my lunch with me, stop. You are having a subway tomorrow think how much more you will enjoy it if you are on plan today!'
- I finish earlier so I have to fit an hour of work in somewhere else.
- I have a meeting when I usually eat EVERY Friday
- Due to this meeting I have HIGH anxiety for no reason
- After feeling anxious and not being able to eat...I wanna raid the cupboard
The reason for this anxiety (and I will keep this brief): I had a job earlier this year where a manager bullied me. Told me I was rubbish at my job (a job they were not even qualified to do themselves might I add) and generally put me down everyday. I went in to work wondering whether today would be the day i'd be sacked. I was sick every morning, cried on the way to and on the way from work. My self confidence was at an all time low...
Then..I got the interview for the job I have now! Due to my confidence I almost cancelled it. I would be so MAD at myself if I had...
Within the first week of being in my new role my manager, her manager, the head teacher and the governors were astounded by the work I was doing with the kids!
Yet...some of that self confidence is still floating around somewhere and THAT is why I feel anxious when meeting my manager weekly. I feel like i'll be 'found out' for being a fraudeven though I AM good at my job and I trained so hard to get where I am!!
So usually on a Friday, after high anxiety, she'd tell me what a great job I am doing and then off i'd pop to tesco starving and wanting a meal deal!
Well done if you read all of that...
I am now sat here having just finished my on plan lunch feeling rather pleased with myself. I may treat myself to one of the WW cookbooks I have my eye on
Thanks for reading x
You should be proud of yourself Millie, it is astounding how others can have such a negative impact on our self esteem and confidence. I ended up leaving a job I loved because of an Assistant Director, was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I allowed someone else to determine my life choices and allowed someone to dis-empower me. I think my life pretty much disintegrated after that, (too long a story).
Keep reminding yourself how wonderful you actually are!!!!!
What a wonderful story of overcoming a tough situation. Hopefully the Friday fear will slip away as you realise how you are rocking your job and your emerging new body!
Go you...... that's brilliantI HAVE MY OWN SPIN CLASSSSSSSS!
I woke up to a message saying I had been successful and I now have my own spin class on a Monday at 6:30pm!! So excited!!![]()
Great that you are putting a plan in place ....well doneMaking a conscious effort...
This diary has become a dumping ground for my thoughts! However, I do think it helps as it is keeping me from snacking/not putting things down and eating my emotions!
Anyhoo...I am currently making a conscious effort in work. The job I do is quite isolating and I am the only one in my team. My team is me...Anyway after the summer break I found myself feeling quite lonely. I do miss that office 'banter' and team atmosphere. So I decided I needed to make a conscious effort with the people around me. I have signed up to help with School trips and I have no included myself in a 'buddy scheme' where you buy a colleague a present anonymously - doesn't need to be anything big just a little something to make them smile! I get a random present in return
you are a busy bee ..... the chicken sounds lovely17/09/2019
So yesterday was very unexciting - went home and my friend came over for a cuppa. We sat and put the world to rights and then I made my favourite Tandoori Chicken for dinnerAll on plan of course. I managed not to snack until later like I planned and I feel really pleased with myself.
Anyway...this morning I woke up to a text asking if anyone was interested in covering a Spin Class on a Monday until the end of the year!! Covering maternityI have put my name down so please everyone cross their fingers and their toes for me because I REALLY want my own class!! Now I am in work and I can't concentrate on the job in hand because I am waiting to see if I have my own class
Today I have some leftover tandoori chicken in a roll for lunch - it is honestly so good - a yogurt and some fruitwill go a walk at lunch time for the fresh air but I plan on going to Spin class this evening as well.
Have a lovely day!
I really miss having someone to walk with....I just have my furry friends since my daughter moved to another town16/09/2019 it Monday alreadylast week dragged by and then that weekend seemed to be gone in the blink of an eye!
Had a lovely weekend! Friday night I went to check on my friends cat I have been feeding etc. He had decided to drag all their bath towels in to the litter tray and poo and pee all over them!I stuck them in a wash and hung them up for them don't worry!
Then I went to a spin class afterwards, and had the most uninspiring instructor of all time. She only spoke to tell us to turn the gear up or to stand up etc. There was no motivation and in fact I forgot she was even in the class at times...
Anyway I sweated so at least I got a work out!
On Saturday, I slept in and then I just chilled out during the day between doing some housework. My friend came over for Gin and we got a mcdonalds, yum yum. We sat until the wee hours putting the world to rights.
On Sunday the boyfriend and I went a lovely walkwhen we got home we done the last of the housework and watched a film. It s*xtuplets on netflix, it was really bad! I then went for a lovely soak in the tub and tried to forget it was Sunday night
Back on plan after a weekend of eating what the hell I want...when I don't go to my workshop I just eat poop. Will go to workshop this coming saturday. Take my gain and start again if I need to![]()
I really miss having someone to walk with....I just have my furry friends since my daughter moved to another town