I am sorry to say I am finding Rebecca boring now. I really liked her at first but every so g is starting to sound the same. I can't believe they likened her to Aretha! Also has she stepped in super glue - she never moves!
lol Thats exactly what Ive been saying about her, I actually posted on another thread earlier do they nail her feet to the floor every week? Im amazed theyre not commenting on that - they have in the past
Yes, it was very very obvious this week with it being rock week...she managed a teeny tiny butt wriggle that you would have missed if you'd blinked. I do think shes got a good voice but its all a little samey.
I love how the ever inconsistent Louis was so quick to have a go at Simon tonight for something not being a rock song yet totally overlooked Cheryl giving someone Imagine for Beatles week.