xconfusedx's atkins diary

Hi Confused

Well done on your first week, you are doing so well, and I couldn't agree more with your last comment, I feel fab and actually keep forgetting I'm on a diet because I'm not thinking about food like I usually would. The amount of times I've done this diet and stopped I do not understand when I know it makes me feel this good :D

Keep up the good work :)
Morning confused:D

Agree this a way of eating - makes me feel great. Plus i love shocking people when they see how much i've lost and what i eat!
Morning Kat1e :D

I took some measurements this morning.. 3inches off my tum :eek: and half an inch off my bust, under my bust and waist. Hips have stayed the same but I'm happy happy happy :D

I'll hop on the scales tomorrow morning - the batteries need replaced and I'll have to hunt some out today.

Hope everyone is having a good sunday!
Fantastic news on the inches - well done:D
Well done on those inches coming off, you are doing fab! x
Really impressive!! Wow!! :)
Well done that's fantastic:D
Well done on that loss, thats mega! Go you :party0011:
Thanks Flymypretty :)

The diet is pretty easy once you get into the swing of things.

Hope it is easy for you too :)
Hi and welcome, good luck and stick with it, you'll soon be feeling great
Hi Jim, thanks for the welcome :)

I've feeling better than I have done in ages! Not been tempted by anything so far which is unheard of for me.
LOL it is indeed, wish I could have it more often - alas, the cream doesn't like me :(

But I did just completely stuff myself with roast pork (with crackling yaye) and cabbage sauteed in butter mmmmm