Day 5
Breakfast: Orange Creme Shake (Still soooo filling)
Lunch: 2 slices weight watchers wholemeal bread, tuna, lettuce, cucumber (made into a sandwich) with a handful of carrot sticks and 3 or 4 cherry tomatoes (can't remember exact amount lol)
Dinner: Extra lean steak mince, 1/2 an onion, 1/2 carton passata sauce, 100g wholewheat low gi pasta
Drinks: 3.5L water, 3 green teas, 2 black coffees
Snacks: Apple, handful of blueberries and handful of raspberries with fat free natural yoghurt.
Loved lunch again! I ate it all today

But I had less carrot sticks and a couple less cherry tomatoes. Dinner was a disappointment, it has been my least favourite of all the meals so far. Pasta is so overrated. I've always had wholewheat pasta so it's not that. I just didn't 'enjoy' eating it as much as I LOVED my fish and veg. The steak mince wasn't my cup of tea. I found it overly chewy and didn't like the mincey texture in my mouth. I didn't finish it all before I was satisfied but I'm glad I had it! I need to learn what I enjoy and don't enjoy again. My fruit and yoghurt hit the spot so it wasn't all bad.
I had a crazy sudden realisation today of 'NO BLOODY WONDER you were overweight!' when I was dishing up my dinner. The food I cooked today ended up being too much. I used 1/2 the pack of mince (250g), 1/2 the passata (200g) and 100g of pasta. I served myself half of it and it was plenty - I left some! The other half is in the freezer for another day! Before lipotrim I would have EASILY used the entire packet of mince and passata and a massive bowl full of pasta, probably way over 300g if not more! And then that would have been followed by some sort of dessert and snacks later on!
I am so glad I can appreciate the correct portion sizes and know when I am full. Food is fuel and that's it. I only need to eat what my body needs to be fit and healthy! Xx