
Well I suppose that is the beauty of us girls, we all come in different shapes and sizes but we are all sexy as hell !!:):)
LOL I am full of bumps :-S
Oh Bea, I wish I was nearing a 16 lol! The inches are bing slow to come off. Though I have noticed my clothes are a bit on the big side now.... but they are all 20s and 22s... I dont even know what size to buy any more!
Well done for also getting to the 13 mark, we rock!!! 
I cant imagine how I managed *not* to drink all this water before, can you? I must have been well dehydrated....[/

Hey...it wont be long now....I tried on a few of my "big" Size 16s and they fitted!!! You should have root through a few things and I am sure you will be surprised....me tent clothes still "fit" me but there are only really a few inches between sizes....so I really would dig out a few things and see..let me know if you do!!

Yes ....I agree on the water front....OMG how did I survive no wonder I was so sluggish......and it is definately reduces your appetite....

Thanks for the contact on the oil...will log on to ebay this evening to have a browse..... Yah..almost the weekend - are you working again or relaxing???
Oh Bea, I wish I was nearing a 16 lol! The inches are bing slow to come off. Though I have noticed my clothes are a bit on the big side now.... but they are all 20s and 22s... I dont even know what size to buy any more!
Well done for also getting to the 13 mark, we rock!!! 
I cant imagine how I managed *not* to drink all this water before, can you? I must have been well dehydrated....[/

Hey...it wont be long now....I tried on a few of my "big" Size 16s and they fitted!!! You should have root through a few things and I am sure you will be surprised....me tent clothes still "fit" me but there are only really a few inches between sizes....so I really would dig out a few things and see..let me know if you do!!

Yes ....I agree on the water front....OMG how did I survive no wonder I was so sluggish......and it is definately reduces your appetite....

Thanks for the contact on the oil...will log on to ebay this evening to have a browse..... Yah..almost the weekend - are you working again or relaxing???

I wasnt on here yesterday so I have some catching up to do this morning!! Trouble is, my clothes are either new size 14s that I bought but didnt ever wear (too small when I was a 16 lol) or they are my current clothes! I know I ought to perhaps go shopping but I still feel really intimidated about shopping, and am worried that I will still have to buy 20s! I know its a bit silly, but in some ways I would rather just flop around in my big clothes till I *know* for sure I can go and comfortably pick up and fit into a 16!

Hmmm what to do this weekend - well I was hoping my victorian lace would arrive so I could start my new corset, but it didnt, so not sure what to do now. Twiddle thumbs for a bit I think :). What about you?
I completely understand that. I went into Sainsburys the other day and thought about buying a couple of tops for work and then thought that I didnt relly want to buy any until I ahd made it to were I want to be!!
Know what you mean! I see to have every size in my wardrobe and I was gaining weight!!! Really tempted to buy a few new things but agree with you both much perfer to wait until I am closer to my goal....its nice to have clother loose for a change !!!

This weekend...not up to much really...hubby working night shift so got a few DVDs in tesco to watch.....