Yet another diary

I don't get time to eat during the day really, I'm so busy with the kids and getting to nursery and back and if I have anyone over in the afternoon I feel rude sitting eating my lunch while they're here lol!

Today I went to town, I went to subway but it was packed and ended up in Burger King. :/ did buy a size 14 dress though and it fits lovely

IKWYM i have a friend who never knows when to go home - i missed lunch and dinner last time she came

You are tiny!!!! lovely dress
Would use the word tiny hahaha <_<

Sorry been MIA we've all got flu and were actually snowed in.. Pic of DH tryna get out the garden this morning! It's nearly a mile each way to co op he had to walk in that to get nappies and calpol this morning!

Been eating cookies and chocolate but not much else really, not got much appetite so this week will go two ways either be good cus iv not eaten or a write off!


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Yes I said TINY!!!! would love to be your size

Oh Lord - you have so much snow - we don't have anywhere near that much but its horrible the wind is blowing up hard - its like white puffs and like a slap round the face when it hits glad to be back home in the warm

Its funny how a few of us are poorly and off our food this weekend, hope you are all on the mend soon xxx
So I've not been updating as we're all ill.

All had flu, ted had diarrhoea and both boys have conjunctivitis coupled with teds top front tooth cutting through and now I have an ear infection. Been eating when I've had chance and not had much appetite. Making more of a conscious effort to eat properly today though..
Yesterday -

Vanilla mullerlight
Tuna mayo and cheese sandwich
Malteaster bunny
Mini pack of tang fastics
Right really do need to get back to this now! I keep starting and then giving up after a week! Weighed myself this morning and I'm 186lb it's my cousins wedding on the 22nd June so I want to first of all lose 8lbs by then, will weigh in on Friday and that will be my WI day after that so got 5 WIs to lose 8lbs! Would like to eventually be 160lbs. Doing calorie counting this week, shopping doesn't get delivered til Wednesday so ill be improvising until then x
It was his first time on it he didn't seem too sure at first but then he likes it! Hard to steer though even though it says it isn't lol x
First day calorie counting not been too bad but don't have much food in til Wednesday so kind of struggling to use my calories up unless I eat more biscuits lol

B - 150cals
Cup of tea with sugar
Couple bits of jesses left over dairylea on toast (less than 1 slice)

L - 275cals
Cup of tea with sugar
3 jammy dodgers

D - 624cals
Grilled sausages, mashed potato and baked beans and a bit of ketchup

Total - 1049cals

Excercise - 2.3miles walking burnt 220cals

Net calories - 829cals
Ended today with one more jammy dodger so -

Total - 1124cals

Excercise - 2.3miles walking burnt 220cals

Net calories - 904cals

Abit low but I'm working with what iv got lol x
Biscuits/cereal bars help me up my calories too but I really need to start switching to another piece of fruit or something haha.
I went slightly over.. Well I will do because I found Oreo dairymilk and I had half a cider at the pub.. But I did loads of walking today, tomorrow will be a lot better when I actually have food in the house lol x
Liam's been making milkshakes with bars of Oreo dairy milk. I will probably end up weighing less than him soon cos he'll have gained loads!
Today's food -

B - 52cal
Hot chocolate with a splash of milk

L - 525cal
Cheese and ham sandwich
Apple juice

D - 861cal
Tuna mayo sandwich
Oven chips

S - 801cal
Strawberry ribena
Packet of vimto chewy sweets
1/2 cider
Oreo dairymilk

Total - 2239cals

Exercise - walking, 578cals

Net total - 1661cals

Did go over today but that's because I had to improvise dinner seeing as the cupboards are pretty empty and I had 1/2 a cider at the pub after meeting DH from work! AND I found Oreo dairymilk which I've been looking for for ages!

Tomorrow morning tesco delivery is due so tomorrow will be alot healthier seeing as I've ordered lots of fruit, veg, salad, yoghurt, meat etc. :)
Today -

B - 109cals
Munch bunch jelly and fromage frais
Coffee with sugar

L - 655cals
Cheese salad warbie thins
Large pear
1 jammy dodger

D - 753cals
Chipotle chilli chicken, cheddar mash and greenbeans

Total - 1517cals

Excercise - walking 210cals

Net total - 1307cals

Lunch would've been less but tesco didn't bring my turkey so had to use cheese on my sandwiches :/ nvm!
May have a yoghurt later as I feel like I need something sweet x