Hi all, cant believe there is so many of us now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so will arrange a meet, think the best thing to do is look at feb 07, thats after the liverpool and newecastle meets and time to fit in another pay day too lol!!!
So, how does everyone feel about Feb??
Now, location, couple of choices spring to mind!!!! Leeds being one of them, as its easy to get to rail wise for any none drivers.
And, whats going to be the plan, day or evening, I am aware that many are still SS so if anyone has been to any meets can they let me know what happened please!!
Hope everyone is well, any one who doesnt feel comfortable posting then please PM me, thats fine, and dont be shy, none of us know each other and this is not a clicky thing at all, its a great way to meet everyone.
So get your thoughts to me!!!!!!!!!
Love x