Shirleen said:If I had my way the heating wouldn't go on till mid December! I was brought up on a house so cold you had to break ice on the inside of the windows lol
Miss D said:I love autumn. The leaves changing. Lovely warm stews. I seem to eat healthier in cold months than hot. Probably as I prefer veggies to salad.
KittenKat said:I don't really have a favourite season as I love them all but for different reasons!
I look forward to each one just before but as each comes to and end, I find that I'm ready for it to go and the next one to come in, just for variety!
Shirleen said:If I had my way the heating wouldn't go on till mid December! I was brought up on a house so cold you had to break ice on the inside of the windows lol
Will you are up north It hasn't been that bad over here......yet no doubt it will be on soon....having to dust off my slippers now as my toes are getting cold lol :winter_brr:
I know you live up north but heating Steve??? In my house the heating doesn't go on till november at the earliest - just on principle!
If I had my way the heating wouldn't go on till mid December! I was brought up on a house so cold you had to break ice on the inside of the windows lol
Sorry folks but I have to say........I wish it was winter. I am wilting...............
Remind me I said that when I am complaining I am cold later in the year......
Luxury!We never even had heating! We had a three bar lecky fire in the lounge and that was it! Ahh the good old days
Maximus said:Luxury!
We were so poor, on cold, winter evenings we would all sit around the dining table - huddled around the single candle....... and if it was really cold, my dad used to light it
Don't know they're born......You try telling that to the kids of today and they won't believe you...
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using MiniMins
We were so poor, on cold, winter evenings we would all sit around the dining table - huddled around the single candle....... and if it was really cold, my dad used to light it
You try telling that to the kids of today and they won't believe you...
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using MiniMins
Don't know they're born......
What a load ofyou talk at times baby boy.
You know very well your dad used to burn the dining room table :giggle:
And they would be smarter than him not to believe it........he is a naughty boy sometimes and likes to tell porkie pies.
But we all love him a lot and his wacky humour.
Keep em coming Stevie. Your mumsie loves you.
It is a bit cooler here today and a storm forecast hurrah !!!! Rain, I love rain