It saddens me that this woman and her silly ideas (and they are silly imho) is considered newsworthy. It gives credence to the idea that fame at any cost is a goal worth having. It saddens me for her loved ones that she is on a self destructive streak, I'm sorry but I don't believe she loves herself, just as I believe that those starving themselves to look a certain way are not happy at a deeper level than just their size.
I also worry about a society that accepts that a woman starving herself and engaging in a punishing exercise routine weeks after childbirth to lose the pregnancy weight.
She clearly has an eating disorder, Western medicine doesn't want to accept that overeating is a disorder because of the costs involved in treating it.
If she had been on a mission to become the skinniest woman on the planet She would have been hospitalised long ago, to have psychiatric help.
It's only my opinion, and therefore flawed as i am flawed, but I don't believe she is happy with herself. Who is she doing this for? Happy healthy people do not obsess over things, be it food, weight, housework, or their children. Happy healthy people have a balance in their lives.
*steps off soapbox*