your dieting must haves !!!

everyone talks about quark yet i've never seen it and don't know what it is!

quark is great! its a form of fresh unripened cheese!

you wouldnt really want to eat it as it is, but if you mix it with beaten eggs you can make fantastic healthy quiches because it acts as a setting agent for the egg to hold all the contents of teh quiche in place!

it is low fat and relatively low calorie too...

it can be used in quite a few different dishes including cheese cake!

yum!!! xxx
beetroot and cottage cheese, asda shop today 5 packs beetroot and 5 tubs totage cheese = happy butter :) x
My must-haves are GG Bran crackers, spread with Marmite & topped with a slice of low-fat cheddar, and skimmed milk, I dilute 200ml with another 100ml of water for a non-water drink. After that, every kind of vegetable, and finally Milky Way bars for a really SWEET low-cal sugar-bomb when I need it most...;)