wow i can't imagine someone only being a 14 at 17 stone no matter how good their weight distribution. I have to admit that when i was close to 270lbs the 22's were too tight and a 24 probably was needed, although right now my 22's are definitely loose and falling down and i'm 17stone5 (243lbs).
My weight is pretty evenly distributed which is why i think i can get away with a smaller size at this weight, i guess that is something i should be thankful for although it's not so great when posing for photos cos i don't have a 'good angle', i'm fat from every direction. I am fat everywhere, face, fingers, toes, everything puts weight on with me (apart from my boobs, i'm relatively flat-chested for a fat person). I have problems with finding tops that fit me because they are always really baggy in the chest area, but tight across my stomach. I am only a b-cup now and my boobs are shrinking the more i diet, i can't imagine what they are going to look like when i get down to a reasonable weight, but i guess that's not really the bigger problem here, the weight is!