Your pets and Their Names?

I absolutely love springers :)
2013-03-04 09.10.58.jpg

These are my babies! English Springers :giggle:
Middle: Jasper (Dad,4yrs)
Right: Harlee (Mum, 2.5yrs)
Left: Harper (Daughter, 8mths now, 3mths in pic)

Total handful bit they save on a gym membership lol
Dalmatian/collie cross is called Trix
Bichon called Taz

Black cat called Phantom
Black and white cat called Casper

New rescue kitten currently being called Monkey

...she/he likes to crawl up my pants.... ouch!
Trix and Monkey. <3


Sophie and Arnold my pugs.....Sophie is oldest but smallest as she's show standard.....Arnold's youngest but lanky so looks older cuz hes tall
I like to call them Pinky n the Brain like the cartoon mice
I have 2 dogs.

Lilly (also know as loulou or luzzerluz) - Shes a 4 year old jack yorkie cross. We saw an ad on a website for her. She was free to a good home and thought we would call as we felt bad. We ended up bring her home 2 days later in such a state. She is a little diamond.

Hudson (also known as huddy puddy or barbar)- He's mummy's big boy! He a 18 month old pedigree teacup yorkie. And such a little handful.

I'll find some pics tomorrow :)
I have a gorgeous tabby cat named bobby (he also has Maine coon and Norwegian forest cat in him). He's a beautiful looking cat, I love him to bits but hes also very moody lol. He wouldn't be him if he wasnt moody tho!

I also have a hamster named Marvin. He's about two months old and is quite the character too.
I have a cat and he's called Dexter :) he's a very cheeky chappy! When I work out how to do it, I'll upload a pic. He's very cute looking!

Tarnbop x
Dexter!! 969527_10151957707944899_505933129_n.jpg 222538_10151519789364899_1560537991_n.jpg

When he was a kitten... 488126_10151436887539899_102811297_n.jpg

As you can tell.... I'm turning into a cat lady.... ooops!

Tarnbop x
Here's a pic of my two 4 1/2 month old kittens Minty and Mischief :)
I have a bichon who is 5.. Zóe
And a Zuchon who is 3.. Pippy
Both are sweethearts.


My babies.x
I have Cinnammon and Celery - My two Gorgeous girly guniea pigs and Hammond the rather cheeky hamster

Hammond is also known as HammaLammaDingDong
Cinammon is also known as SillyBum
Celery well we sing "why don't you come on over, Celery"
I have Cinnammon and Celery - My two Gorgeous girly guniea pigs and Hammond the rather cheeky hamster

Hammond is also known as HammaLammaDingDong
Cinammon is also known as SillyBum
Celery well we sing "why don't you come on over, Celery"

I'm glad I'm not the only one to give my pets silly nicknames...
My cat Jess is known as Bibby or JK
One of my springers Archie is called Bubba Bear and the other springer Miley is called Smiley Bear and my Bassett/lab cross Poppy is known as Pooper Scooper or Donkey (she looks quite like Donkey from Shrek lol)
This is just a thread asking about what pets you have and what their names are..

I have 2 Boxer dogs, 5 guinea pigs and one mouse.

Boxer dog 1: Zena (Female)
Boxer Dog 2: Tilly (Female)
Gp 1: Midnight (Female)
Gp 2: Flutterby (Female)
Gp 3: Amor (Female)
Gp 4: Parva (Male) (Name means small)
Gp 5: Tangy (Male)
Mouse: Nutmeg (Male)

Feel free to leave pictures too, even though I haven't.

I didn't know you could keep doctors as pets.... and 5 of them too... it must be very crowded... no wonder the NHS is going to pot.... you have all the doctors:D
Myself I just have dogs.... Pepper the Cavalier and Spud the Pug... both are 13 months old and we have had them since they were babies. We got them about 2 weeks apart and they are inseparable.:doggy::doggy:
I have a golden retriever puppy called Chance and three cats called Minski, Cocco and Misty! :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one to give my pets silly nicknames...
My cat Jess is known as Bibby or JK
One of my springers Archie is called Bubba Bear and the other springer Miley is called Smiley Bear and my Bassett/lab cross Poppy is known as Pooper Scooper or Donkey (she looks quite like Donkey from Shrek lol)

We had a cat called Pip that we called either PippyDog or sing pippadeedoodah.... i do worry about my family and I