New Member
I have 2 cats chucky and buffy and a russian dwarf hamster called pippa
I have a fawn pug puppy called Arnold who loves everybody he meets. Just dropped him off at the mothers as I'm out a lot this wkend. It's gutting to do it but needs must. Also have a tortoise called Herman.
dextersmum said:My mum is the Pug lady, she has Angus, Charlie, Wilma, Winnie, Lizzy and a Jack Russell called Twts!!
Julie_Scrumptious said:I have 2 cats, George & Ringo and 2 bunnies named Miles & Saul. All named after musicians but noone can ever guess the Saul reference. I'd put a piccy up but not quite mastered that art yet....newb!
This is my Labradoodle noodle lol
She keeps me going.
Ally89 said:My two girlies Twitch (one on top) and Tubsie (also known as Smurf, Elmo and Pig and she answers to all those names). I love my babies.