Your Username

Hi Gen

A dub from many locations really, grew up mainly in Glenageary and Ballsbridge, where are you from?

I now live nr. Bath in Wilts, but still am a real Dub at heart!! :) Don't think it ever leaves you. Do you still live over there?

Hiya i'm from blanchardstown on the west side (sound like ali g there hee hee) yep still living here!!!

Gen xx
Thats good gen, am hoping to go back soon for a quick weekend - altho' as you may see from my other thread, I am expecting ...... tomorrow!!!
Not really sure how I ended up with Flopster. I have a username on a lot of the parenting forums that has become very tied in with my business and I wanted some annonimoty (sorry I know that is spelt wrong) - flopster was the very first word that came to my mind so went with it especially as it wasn't taken!
I chose my name so I would always remember that my weight problem will probably be there forever despite what size I am.

Since chosing it, I thought that it would be much nicer to have chosen 'nomore yoyo', which is much more suitable.

Still, will stick with Karion, might get strange looks if people refer to me as Nomore :D

I reckon a lot of people will be needing to change their usernames shortly though :)
I chose my username because I have a blue moon and 4 stars tattooed on my back!!
You are welcome to change your user names at anytime if the new one is not already taken.

Private Message Pierce and he will do it for you.

As I agree, we sometimes start out with a user name that might be more to do with how we are feeling about ourselves at the time and no longer is who we are today!

So if this is the case, I do think it is a good thing for your well being and image of yourself to change your user name.

Love Mini xxx
My username came from my daughter as some of you know.

I asked her what i would look like thin and she said boofaloo instead of beautiful - so cute so it stuck!! :)
I barely remember where mine came from now - but I chose summer_skye as my hotmail address about 2 years ago (with my year of birth tacked on for good measure .. BIG mistake! :mad: ) .

I think it was because I wanted something feminine and hippyish sounding .. and just liked it, so I've used it on various forums (fora? *lol*) ever since - and love being called Summer now :)
I chose Brad because that is my name.

The 0053 is so I remember by Barclaycard PIN. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm joking, my PIN is 2632.