Congratuations 4 getting so far!

Wow - Keep to it Girl!

Pity you didn't win, but I know what a great time you'll have had at Derbyshire! Head Office IS amazing, the canteen, the chef, the toilets and everything is EXACTLY the way you said! - I was there too - not for the Young Slimmer of the Year (I'm more than 21 years too old for that!)

I was there for the Mr & Mrs finals (a few months ago now) - my hubby and I were one of the three couples from Scotland who qualified for the finals - we didn't actually win either, the couple who did win had lost nearly 20 stone between them and were certainly worthy winners of the title - but I reckon that without exception, we were all winners (as you are!) - so I know exactly how you would be feeling about the whole experience!

Hubby and I have lost a bit more weight since we went along to Head Office, I'm nearly at my target now and he's reached his, and is maintaining well.​

Just remember how well you've done - and it's great to see you're keeping it off!


woooo.. thats great!

And im glad you think i explained it alla ccordingly LOL> HQ is really amazing. I wish i could work there, just for the toilets and food alone haha

congrats on being finalists, maybe you could re-apply for it next year??? im concidering going for it again.. secretly just to get back up to HQ ;) haha, Jokes xxx
Hadn't really thought about doing that but I suppose it would give me yet another "target" to aim for ........ Hhmmmmmmmmmmmm...?