Silver Member
Well done, Zed - books and weight-wise! Keep it going 
Well done, awesome loss.
A way to look at it might be that it will take some months, but you're going to feel and look increasingly good as those months go on. It won't feel like such a grind, because your visual progress will bring you this peace and joy.
I felt similar after the first stone: still really fat, but living a miserable shoe-flavoured shake life? Wth is this...... But friend, now 3 stone down.... I just feel different about everything. I will do whatever, drink this frothy footwear water, to keep up the momentum of how good this feels. Time isn't dragging in the same way anymore, cos I look good NOW. Still over 13 stone, still a size 14 and want to be way better, but... When it's relative and being a big size/unhappy is so fresh in your memory, it. Is. Amazing.
Keep going keep going keep going.
Day 5
Bye bye 2lbs
Thats 7lb gone so far and 6 I lost pre holiday. A fair way to go but I'm really happy with what I've done so far.
Hi, I’m starting properly today too!Ok, picking up again after planned holiday break. We did a week before we left and I lost 13lbs. We knew we'd be putting it back on (husband is joining in the fun!) but seemed like a good idea to have a week done before we left.
So I'm going to call this Day 1.
Weighed in at 17st 3lbs. (only put on 5lbs on holiday, pretty good result!)
I'm doing Total Solution (3 products a day) as I need a break from food temptation. Definitely an all or nothing girl. I'm here because I need the holding to account bit of posting weight. I've never written any sort of online blog before but I think being here will help - from the other diaries I've read here over the last couple of days this is a good way of staying on track.
I'm going to try just doing bars and meals. I can't get away with the shakes at the moment (bit gaggy) but might reintroduce them later on. Had them before holiday and I struggled so hopefully this is more sustainable for me. Husband prefers the shakes so I'll add in his reviews too.
We did do Exante a few years ago before we got married and lost well but I couldn't face going back after the food week so I'm not new to this but very aware that food week is something I need to prep for. I do feel more committed this time so going to just get on with it a week at a time. I think having bars is going to help a lot!
Breakfast: Chocolate Mint Cookie
Lunch: Caramel Crunch Bar
Tea: tbc. Probably Double Chocolate Bar.
Cookie was great, strong minty taste (masking the weird vitamin taste well!) good texture, like a dryish, dense cake.
Caramel bar a personal favourite. Chewy texture and fully coated in chocolate. Pretty sweet so I've only had half, off to eat the remaining bit now.
Here we go....
Good luck on your first week! There'll be tough times but if you can get your head round it the weight loss is pretty steady. We're just plugging away until we get healthier bmi, it's boring but I've gone from a size 20 to pulling on size 16 jeans this morning so it's totally worth it. My thinking is that I do this once and never again. All big clothes get charity shopped as soon as I'm out of them. The diaries on here are fantastic support and inspiration (and tips on which packets of dust to steer clear of!) to keep you motivated. I haven't checked if you have one but I like having mine to keep me going.Well done Zed!
I started this week and if I can lose what you’ve lost between now and Christmas it would be amazing![]()
Hope no one else abandoned the wagon so spectacularly!