¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Thanks Suze... love ya babes, looking forward to hanging out on Saturday. x
I know exactly what you mean about the weekend yo-yo effect Linz, we will crack it one day but the main thing is not to give up.

Looking forward so much to seeing you on Friday night xxxxxxxxx
Welcome back x
Thanks Cheryl. xx

Ditto - 5 more sleeps - practice Skyping so we can find Lisa wherever she is in Spain lol xxxxxxxxxxx
Shame you haven't got 4 sleeps but yr worth the wait. xx
I know exactly what you mean about the weekend yo-yo effect Linz, we will crack it one day but the main thing is not to give up.

Looking forward so much to seeing you on Friday night xxxxxxxxx
You too weeny one. xx
morning beautiful :)
i cant wait. we have so much to catch up on xxx
Hiya Linz - sounds like life is getting in the way of minimins life. Hope you are enjoying:)
morning love hope sports day is fun :D
morning love hope sports day is fun :D

Afternoon Linz
hope you are well x

Hope you are having a great day with the kids Linz xxxxxxx

Hiya Linzi!! xxx

Hi All...

Just back from Amalie's sports day, they moved hers into the preschool due to the inclement weather, Jakeys has been postponed to next Weds, fingers crossed the weathers ok then!

Amalie's struggling with going off to sleep at night at the mo... she says she can't sleep by herself & is scared about monsters & vikings! She's SO tired tho which doesn't help coz then she gets over tired & you can't reason with her... she was awake til gone 2230 last night so buying her birthday presents last night was interesting with her sat next to me!!;)
A friend has suggested a story cd & put that in her room which I'm all up for trying!

Weight is shoking at the moment I'm still 2lbs over posted but no point in even thinking about doing anything until after the Brum 5 hit Newcastle this weekend!

Am off to look at trailers this evening as we've decided we're going to invest in one for our camping trips....I'm hoping that it means Paul's up for getting a dog then & thats why he's making space in the boot!!

So thats a mini me update... be back laters. x
not vicky the viking i hope .
Trailer = dog i hope so. there is always our visit down there to convince.

Yes no point doing anything with diet till monday :) have got some nice stuff for bbq on friday (nothing illegal though ;) ) but im hoping to make up for it with quiches and sausage rolls on saturday night.

Seen the pics of sports day - how gorgeous. i miss her so much (and you of course). xxxx
Last pics have just finished uploading... some of me in the parents race!!

Bloomin' head is bad again today, lost clumps of hair & have a big clump thats been bleeding... am fed up with my docs, am seriously thinking of moving surgeries. This is my fourth week of antibiotics & its not getting any better, have seen them 3 times regarding it now, tried to speak to them on the phone before this set of antibiotics finishes to see what I can do & after numerous messages over the course of 4 days, no call back. They say to make an appointment but the have no prebookable apts for 3 weeks!!!! So the answer is to ring at 0830 in the morning to get the day appointments... all well & good if your not on the school run at that time of the morning & by 0845 the apts have all gone!! I just wonder how long my body can keep fighting this before it gives up!
Oh Linz thats no good at all. is there another surgery you could go to? I had the same with my head for years but it only stopped when i stopped using mousse on it! was big clumps too :(
You need to go and see a specialist and they should be referring you.

Off to check out the other pics x
you will have to linz xxx tickle is going to get me on the private insurance about my skin on my hand....

Get some water down you - you will need it to rehydrate for the weekend ;)