★★★★ The Water Babes Thread - Team 9 ★★★★

Aww poo, just done a long post & my wireless router decided to lose signal so lost it all, Damn, blast & poo..... Grrrrrr... :mad:

Anyway today has flew over, hardly stopped got in at half 7 then sorted my avon order out which was a big 'un so only just managed to make a cuppa, havent even had no tea been to busy, to late to eat now anyway!!

Going back to the dentist on Wed morning to get ''the black hole'' flushed & packed again, spoke to them asking if I can have more anti-biotics but he said no I have had a week so just let it go on its own accord, looks like I may have to get it flushed and packed every week, OH THE JOY!!

AWWW isnt it sad about Jade goody, such a young age with 2 boys, cant imagine what she is going through, I am well overdue for my smear must phone them tomorrow..

Gonna list a few bits on E-bay on Thursday when I am off, I have Avon & Body Shop Products so If anyone is interested I will let you have them for a good price.
Also have some new clothes with tags on, gonna ask anyone on here b4 e-bay, 1 silk tunic top cost me £20 from evans, never had it on..

Anyway think I will go to bed now, feel wrecked..

Love to me sexy chickens..

Tracey, how did the pudding go??? :8855:
Pudding went down a treat, have experimented with the mousse over the past few weeks and got it down to a tee now. I was adding more water 200mls instead of 150mls to make it go further but funnily enough I have discovered if I used 150mls and leave it in the blender for 2 minutes it increases in quantity more :confused: and sets into a lovely thick consistancy. Did two different flavours layered (chocolate orange & vanilla) and it was lovely!

My day off today and although it is half term i've only got Maddy at home as Liberty has gone with my mum to visit James (my eldest) in Minehead for a few days. I was supposed to be going too with Maddy but just realised my car is out of MOT :grumble: and can't afford to put it in until the end of the month. Still got the van to run around in but it isn't big enough to get everyone in.

Weigh-in tonight, fingers crossed I should be in the 11's, going on what I was 2 days ago on my scales I have now lost 2 stone, half way there now:bliss:

Going to try and catch up with a few friends today...........

Where is everyone???????????? Hope you all have a great day.
Pudding went down a treat, have experimented with the mousse over the past few weeks and got it down to a tee now. I was adding more water 200mls instead of 150mls to make it go further but funnily enough I have discovered if I used 150mls and leave it in the blender for 2 minutes it increases in quantity more :confused: and sets into a lovely thick consistancy. Did two different flavours layered (chocolate orange & vanilla) and it was lovely!

My day off today and although it is half term i've only got Maddy at home as Liberty has gone with my mum to visit James (my eldest) in Minehead for a few days. I was supposed to be going too with Maddy but just realised my car is out of MOT :grumble: and can't afford to put it in until the end of the month. Still got the van to run around in but it isn't big enough to get everyone in.

Weigh-in tonight, fingers crossed I should be in the 11's, going on what I was 2 days ago on my scales I have now lost 2 stone, half way there now:bliss:

Going to try and catch up with a few friends today...........

Where is everyone???????????? Hope you all have a great day.


Aww to be in the 11's would be a dream to me & cant wait till it happens..

Good luck.. :D

Not sure where everyone is lately.. :cry:

Kel, the 11's isn't that far away for you, once 'the balck hole' has healed and your off your meds you'll be there!!!! Just emailed our CDC's with tonights order and off to get Dave out of bed as her is working today! Bye for now xx
hey, manged to get my on my friends computer mwwaahhh

Kelly, sorry to here your in so much pain :-(

keeping everything crossed for you tracey, ohh you must be very excited to have since 11's on the scales! Jumping for joy even!! Is the mix and mouse nice? I haven;t had it, but may have to as what you did sounded lurrveerryy glad they enjoyed it, did you tell them it was cd?

right don't want to take the p*** on my friends comptuer, although I know she won't, shes ace, been making me glug water every hour lol feel like I am going to burst! (she did cd last year, which helped me chose to do it, only I moved 2 hours north before she started!! so she had been a brilliant support this week)
Emma the mix a mousse is lovely, but once made it doesn't keep for ages as it seems to lose its flavour and goes rather rubbery. I make it up in the evening and we have it usually within an hour or so. Had some left from last night but just thrown it away cause it tasted rank :mad:. The reason we had some left is cause Barry who came for tea is lactose intolarent so made him the LF Chocolate Orange mousse only to find out that he is allergic to chocolate :cry:we could have polished it off but that would have been greedy as I made enough for the three of us!! Just gave barry some extra jacket potatoes.:D:D:D. Keep glugging that water, have a nice few days away with your friend. Off for our weigh-in in a mo. see u later xx
Hi all

Feel really bad as I have been pretty cr4p on here since joining but everything's so manic atm. Well we spent the whole weekend putting (what seemed like the whole house) into boxes. Moved into my mums on sunday night (late late late). I've been back to the house today to see how the builders are doing and I can't recognise the place...still can't wait till I have my brank spanking new kitchen diner and through lounge :) :) :) I really struggled to drink all three shakes on sunday :( and have been struggling to drink the water since moving here. My clothes do feel loose but I have my weigh in tomorrow and hope so much I have lost something.....

On a brighter note my skin feels great and tomorow i should be able get some bars yeah....

Hope you are all doing well and are having a great week. Will try and catch up later in the week

Evening all!

Took the kids to my sister's for the day today, because she has half term off and usually I don't get to see her very often! It gave hubby a chance to get some work done, so he's in a good mood now :) We had a good day, and I managed to drink all my water, which I usually struggle with when I am not at home.

Still plodding on as ever. Resisted a chippy tea, and hot sausage rolls for lunch, boy did they smell good!

My gum is very sore, think I have a wisdom tooth coming through... eek!

Not much else to report, hope you all OK :)

Off to Mother in Laws in the morning and need to wash my hair, but will try and nip on before we go.

Morning all!

Not been up long. Not feeling great this morning health wise. Need to have a shower but hubby just had a bath so god knows how much water is left! Men ;)

Have a good day girls xx
:D:D:D Yippee, i'm in the 11's........ :D:D:D

Had to share that with you, really chuffed and Dave's nearly in the 17's.

Well I must say that AAMW was a success :), now back on SS+ for another 4 or so weeks. So I need to shift another 13lbs and then I will be 1 stone away from target which is when I will start moving up the plans. When that happens I think Dave is going to move on to the 810 plan as he should have shifted about 4 stone my then and well on his way to his target of 15 stone.

Speak later xx
tracey thats brilliant:talk017: you both must be over the moon well done

I'm back home now, wasn;t meant to be but had a friend in crisis and needed me to have her children for a few hours this afternoon! Not childminding them, just round to play as my children's ages:D so I can come on here until they need me:p

kelly I hope your okay today:hug99:

Mum2one and crazy jane hope your okay x

sarah, have a nice time (if you can:8855:)
Well done Emma, hows your head? (saw your other post), funnily enough i've had a bit of a headache today and feeling really tired, going to have a quick cuppa tea before I pick the kids up from the childminder. Be back on a bit later. xx
hey tracey well done on the loss.

I've lost another 4lbs whoop wooo I'm well chuffed!!!!:D

Really suprised as it's been bad(ish) week.

Hope everyones ok. Will write more tomorrow as I'm at home all day chilling ... yeah at friggin last!!!
Hiya Honey's!! :D

Well been for another trip to the dentist this afternoon, I said I will show him where its hurting the most, he took 1 look & said the dreaded words.. ''Ouch The infection has gone into the bone, thats why you in pain''
Great stuff.. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
So he flushed the socket & packed it all again, looks like I will have to get this done every week.. I told him I try to clean the socket out myself with a wet cotton bud, he said there is no way I would be able to get everything out as the wound is so deep, its gonna take ages to heal, which I knew..
He also said I need to have the top wisdom tooth out before it starts giving me problems, I said NO WAY, I will go to the hospital, he said dont be daft, I will take that out next time I am in no bother, yeah well he said that about this 1 & I have had nowt but chew..
I have been told though the bottom wisdom teeth are far worse that the top..
So I have no anti-biotics as I have already been on the strong ones, he said it will have to go on its own accord, when that is who knows..

So got a headache coming on strong as I daren't eat with just having me tooth filled, gonna chill out tonight and watch the brits..

Evening all!

Took the kids to my sister's for the day today, because she has half term off and usually I don't get to see her very often! It gave hubby a chance to get some work done, so he's in a good mood now :) We had a good day, and I managed to drink all my water, which I usually struggle with when I am not at home.

Still plodding on as ever. Resisted a chippy tea, and hot sausage rolls for lunch, boy did they smell good!

My gum is very sore, think I have a wisdom tooth coming through... eek!

Well Done on ya water intake chick!! :D

Awww I hope its not ya wisdom tooth hun, is it top or bottom??
Mind you ya will be ok think I just have bad luck.. :cry:

:D:D:D Yippee, i'm in the 11's........ :D:D:D

Had to share that with you, really chuffed and Dave's nearly in the 17's.

Well I must say that AAMW was a success :), now back on SS+ for another 4 or so weeks. So I need to shift another 13lbs and then I will be 1 stone away from target which is when I will start moving up the plans. When that happens I think Dave is going to move on to the 810 plan as he should have shifted about 4 stone my then and well on his way to his target of 15 stone.

Speak later xx

Whooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooo
WELL DONE, I am so chuffed for ya!! xx

I forgot to say on day 3 now! going to sneak a look on the scales tomorrow hehe

Well Done for getting over the worst hun.. It will only get easier!! ;)

hey tracey well done on the loss.

I've lost another 4lbs whoop wooo I'm well chuffed!!!!:D

Really suprised as it's been bad(ish) week.

Hope everyones ok. Will write more tomorrow as I'm at home all day chilling ... yeah at friggin last!!!

4lbs, WOW, Well Done Hun, Fab Result..

Forgot to say my mate from Work got her wisdom tooth out the beginning of December, asked her how long before it closed up she said its only just closed up thats about 10 weeks and she had no problems, no infections, nothing.. :mad:

So may give myself another week and just go back on CD, cant be doing with more than 3 weeks off the diet, I am fed up with bloody weetabix!! lol..

mum2one:bliss: well done on your 4lb off you must be over the moon thats fab

Kelly, you poor thing:( At christmas hubby has a tooth out (just a random one lol) and was told no demon booze, so what did he do..........got smashed!! I ended up taking him to a&e on 23rd Dec (has it done on 19th) as he was in so much pain, and they told him to gargle paracetamol and then 2 hours later have ibrufon (bad spelling I know)! just for when you come of your strong pain killers hun. He is okay now, but took ages to heal as he got an infection, I'm not helping am i:sigh:

I am feeling pants! Going to do another thread, lets just say the shakes are going right through me!!:sigh:

have a good evening, I'm going to be on here all night me thinks, me and the kiddies made meatballs and burgers, with wedges and chopped veggies for their tea and I can;t stop thinking about how good it looked:sigh: glug glug glug
Morning babes

No change on the scales since Monday morning. Am p***** off! I ignore temptation every day, am good as gold and the dam weight is not shifting very fast at all. ARGH.

My mum is coming over this morning and we're going into town. Think my sister and niece are coming too. My niece hates shopping, it was foolish of me to invite them! Hubby is going to look after Harry here.

Blasted scales. I am not in a good mood now!

Have a good day xx
Sarah.........don't feel down on yourself your doing so well, bet you've lost inches instead, have you measured yourself????

Enjoy yourself shopping, why not treat yourself to something nice....maybe so lovely smellies, you deserve it! xx
sarah!!!!!!!!! don't weigh yourself everyday hun, I hate seeing you get disheartened :-(

I still have an explosive tummy after each shake, but only had a bit of a headache this morning, my ketone stick was really dark this morning (always was first thing) so no more checking them for me now yaahooo

I did weigh myself (after giving sarah a yarn sorry haha) I have lost 3 1/2 lb since Monday morning !!!! yeah, go me! not going to step on them again until Tuesday back to my normal weigh in's again!