★★★★ The Water Babes Thread - Team 9 ★★★★

Hi Girls,

Welcome back Emma...so glad you've decided to carry on with CD and are still part of our team.

Really big welcome to Mum2one and good luck with your first weigh-in tomorrow. I am a mum to four James (21), Becky (19) Liberty (10) and Maddy (21 Months) and wifey to Dave for nearly 23 years. Dave is also doing CD, we have been 100% on SS+ for the past 5 weeks. Looking forward to getting to know you.....

Really excited about AAMW going to have chicken and salad for tea tomorrow night, hope it doesn't slow the weight loss down too much as I'm really close to losing 2 stone!

See you all tomorrow.
Morning babes!

My bike didn't turn up! It better come today :(

Anyway, I was late to sleep last night after getting stuck into my book. Have had a shower and am now feeling more human.. Need to go put some make up on and dry my hair, then head to the co-op for water and some other bits and bobs. Might get some mags too ;)

Day 39 for me today!

Hope you are all ok this morning :D xx
Morning girls,

Well I can't quite beleive it but I lost 5lbs this week, so I am down to 12st 2lbs and nearly half way to target. Dave lost 3lbs this week, he was a bit disapointed but I think he needs to drink more water.

Have to dash as I am supposed to be working and woke up later this morning!
Oh well done Tracey (and Dave!) !!!!!!!

Emma is back to work today so won't be on till tonight. She says hi to all the babes :)

Where the heck is my bike?! I have decided to go to Tesco instead, so am waiting patiently for the delivery before I can go. I need water! Argh!


Hi Girls,

WOW, Tracey & Dave you are doing UNBELIEVABLE.. :eek::eek::eek:
You are beating me now so need to get myself sorted so I can get back to loosing weight.
Well I weighed in at 12.7 this morning so a pound isnt bad really for 5 days off being off CD,,

Well I think I took too much morphine last night I took 2 spoonfuls instead of 1 and I never woke till about 11.. :eek: Got a fab sleep mind.. lol..
I can see why its addictive..

Sarette cant believe your bike, how shocking...

Afternoon ladies. Had my weigh in and I'm a little gutted only lost 5 lbs. I was expecting a lot more :( Still 5lbs in first week is better than nothing - takes me to 14 so with a bit of luck next week I'll be in the 13's. I can't believe I still can't get my wedding ring on. It's been off longer than it's been on and that's sad (I got pregnant a few months after getting married).

Hope everyone's having a good day. Will have a proper chat with you all later. Taking lo out for the day now x
Kel, You sound so much better this morning, glad you got a good nights sleep....

Sarah, Hope your bike turns up soon.....have you called then to find out whats going on??

Mum2one.......good luck with your first weigh-in.

CJ & Emma, hope everything is going well xx

My little munchkin got me up a 2.30am and then we all overslept this morning, I ended up sleeping with her on the sofa wrapped up in Dave's dressing gown cause the Rayburn when out last night! Going swimming tonight with my sister as I really need to start toning up, I carry all my weight around my torso (boobs and belly) and don't want to be left with a flabby belly and saggy boobs!!!

Going to morrison this afternoon to get some yummy chicken for tea.
Mum2one....5lbs is a great weight loss, especially on 810 plan, well done. By the way what is your first name????? I like to call everyone by their name. You'll be getting your wedding ring back on in no time. You should be very proud of yourself for getting through week one.
My bike is here :D

Well done Mum2one, that's a great start!!

Tracey, I'm with you on the swimming thing to tone up, well I will be when I am another stone down. I'm too self conscious at the moment, but will be ok by then. I'm looking forward to it, I love swimming. I think I might start doing some sit ups, my tummy is my biggest bit... Enjoy your chicken!!

Kel, careful with the morphine!! Glad you got a superb sleep, I bet you needed that. 1lb on is nothing, so well done! xx

Just got back from Tesco. I have water again, yay! Never thought I'd ever say that!! Just made hubby and Harry some lunch. Hoping Hubby finishes putting my bike together when he's done! Although as luck would have it, it's started raining, so will have to wait to try it out. I only washed my hair this morning lol.

Tracey - well done on the weight loss that's so brilliant (and inspirational). I can't wait to be half way.

Sarette - Hope you get out on your bike....and the rain isn't too bad.

Kel - Easy on the morphine (I remember mine after my cs). I didn't realise you could have it without supervision.

Can someone tell me what's the deal with drink on cd??? I have my best friends 30th in march in a pub in London. First time i've been out properly since lo was born and would like a couple of drinks??? I that gonna be a no no :sigh:

Oh and it's Valentines on saturday....hubby keeps asking me what do I want knowing very well I can't haveany champs or chocs mmmm :cry:

My names jaz btw guys :)
Hi Jaz, My hubby has bought ma a pair of Black Uggs - the short ones that go about half way up your calfs (don't think there be here for Valentines Day as there coming from Australia) I've wanted some for actually ages......he's a bit miffed as they were much more expensive than chocolates and wine(LOL) I told him to get used to it cause I will be spending loads on clothes when I get to target.
we bought each other our Wii Fit!

re alcohol - there is a sticky on the main forum about it i think... its a no no if you are in Ketosis
CJ, the wii fit is ace, we love the skiing and the ski jump best, you'll have loads of fun on it.

Alcohol, definately a big no no if you are in Ketosis (not too sure if 810 plan keeps you in ketosis.

We just had our first meal and it felt really strange eating a meal after 5 weeks of SS+.

Sarah, Glad your bike has turned up.
Sorry have been AWOL this afternoon, I got stuck into my book again lol!

Have finished it now, so am off for an early night. Seeing my CDC in the morning :)

Sleep well babes xx
Morning girls,

Working today so just a quick post to see how everyone is today.

Went swimming with my sister last night and did 40 lengths, can't beleive how much easier it was as last time I went (about 3 weeks ago) I only managed 20 lengths.

Lovely and sunny, but still a bit cold, just had my porridge and made my flavoured water so better get to work. Be back later.
Hiya Girls..

I am off work today & I am gonna finish sorting my bedroom out, prob take my mind of the pain, My dressing is dissolving now very quickly when I am eating & drinking so today my nerve is gonna be exposed again.. So may have to go back to the dentist as cant be doing with that type of pain again.. but then again if I keep getting it packed the gum wont grow over the hole will it as the packing will stop it, what ya think?? :confused:

Well the snow here is unbelieveable, its been laying thick, huge flakes all morning & the sky is full.. lol..

I got a call last night at half 10 from 1 of the managers to say the garage had been broken in, they had smashed the glass on the front door, they didnt have much time as the alarms were going off they just managed to pinch the money from the coffee machine which would only have been a few quid as it was emptied the other day, scary thing is that all the new cars were in the dealership they could of vandalised them if they wanted but they didnt, police and sniffer dogs were there within minutes but they were nowhere to be seen, keith said why are they ringing you, its coz they couldnt get hold of 1 of the big bosses and thought I could try, I felt quite special to be honest as out of all the 4 lasses & all the lads who work there he rang me, I feel very well thought off.. :D

Kel - Easy on the morphine (I remember mine after my cs). I didn't realise you could have it without supervision.

My names jaz btw guys :)

Jaz - Love that name by the way,
The doctor I have has been with me since I was young so she knows me inside out, so she trusts me when she prescribes me with strong medicine as she knows I wouldnt abuse it.. xx

Hi Jaz, My hubby has bought ma a pair of Black Uggs - the short ones that go about half way up your calfs (don't think there be here for Valentines Day as there coming from Australia) I've wanted some for actually ages......he's a bit miffed as they were much more expensive than chocolates and wine(LOL) I told him to get used to it cause I will be spending loads on clothes when I get to target.

Aww thats a fab pressie, I would love some too, you need them in this weather chick.. What a nice genourous man you have.. :D xx

we bought each other our Wii Fit!

You will love it, well you both will, I love the footy, Hula-hooping, Ski-jump & marble balance.. xx

Sorry have been AWOL this afternoon, I got stuck into my book again lol!

Have finished it now, so am off for an early night. Seeing my CDC in the morning :)

What book you reading, it sounds fab.. Love a good read.. Well good luck this morning, not that u need it.. xx

Well for valentines this yr I have bought keith a coat & he said he wanted a DVD, but honestly he has thousands of DVDs & does my head in with them as if there is a dvd he really wants and there is a couple of special editions he buys them both, he is a nightmare.. so I am just gonna buy him a nice scarf instead, lol..

Havent a clue what he has bought me its a surprise.. :confused: but I like surprises..

We were gonna go for a meal tonight but I still cant eat solid food so there is no point, so we staying in on sat, may have soup or weetabix, yet again, I will look like a bloody weetabix b4 long..

Will be on later chicks...

Afternoon babes!

I offically lost 4lbs, same as my weigh in, so very pleased :) Going again in 2 weeks as my CDC has a funeral to go to next Thurs, and it's Half term too.

Popped to Halfords to get some lights and a lock for my bike, also picked up some reflective arm strips and some funky cycling gloves lol. Will take it out for a spin in a bit as the sun is shining :D

Popped to town on the way back to buy book 4 in the series (Twilight series Kel, soooo good!), which is the last one published at the moment :( Looking forward to reading it though! Also bought the latest Lighter Life Mag and had a look at handbags but couldn't find one I liked. I popped into River Island and on my way out noticed the most funky pink Bananaman tshirt! Biggest they had was a 16.. I shall go back in a few weeks I reckon :D

Hubby's valentine present arrived while I was out, and I have relented and let him have it now. It's a steering wheel for the Xbox racing games. He's setting it up now! No idea what he's getting me...

Tracey - 40 lengths?! Wow!! Well done :D

Kel - Hard to say what to do about the hole and it's healing over. I see your arguement from both sides! Hope you work something out.

CJ - Wii Fit is great, you will love it!!

Emma - hope you're ok today? Will text you in a bit as you are very quiet ;)

Jaz - great name! Hope hubby gets you something non edible for Valentines :)

Will be back later xx
hey I'm here, hubby came home last night;):D

and just walked in now!! but got an arm full of study notes so should be okay to chat tonight lol!!

I'm good thanks hope everyone else is okay