Drastic times call for Drastic measure.
Tonight i am devising a timetable on a spreadsheet, hour by hour of what i will eat daily. Might sound crazy but if i have it planned then i will find it easier. On tuesday i am taking my bum back to class, its an evening one but i'll just have to deal with it. I usually don't eat all day if i have weigh day but that really won't help so i'm just going to have a normal day. After weigh in i'll allow myself one treat, rather then blow the evening which is my normal routine. I have 6 weeks until my 25 birthday and a party my friends are throwing me. I'd like to be below 20stone by then but i think that might be pushing it so i want at least a stone gone. I've messed about for to long now, every day i procrastinate is a day lost and likely another pound gained rather then lossed.
I'm also going back on my anti depressent meds, i keep thinking i can manage without them but i can't eventually it all gets to much so back on them i go, hopefully they don't make me gain too much weight.
Hubby has flu, feel really guilty as i gave it to him and my best friend so they're all poorly and i'm feeling better, at least there eardrums are in tact unlike mine. Happily the buzzing is almost gone and i can hear again. I'm sat drooling over the recipes in my ww mag wondering why i ever crave junk!!!!