Silver Member
glad you had a good night, i would so come to ur party if i was closer hehe, hope ur weekend is fun xx
I had rather a depressing thought today (shocking i no) In 1 month i turn 25, not exactly old but if i don't shift this weight, then i have basically just hit middle age! The thought is enough to make me cry and yet i'm still not motivated. I put on 2lbs this week, better then the 4 my wii said but not great.
However i have bought my book to get organised with, i'm going to fill it will daily meal plans so the night before i can pick a day i fancy and i no exactly what i'm going to eat, hour by hour. Sounds extreme but i think i need it. I once heard it took 3 days to form a habit and 24 days to break it. If this is true i have just enough time to break some bad eating happens before middle age hits and hope by being this organised i won't develop any new bad ones. My wii fit habit seems to have stuck, not done it properly in a week and i miss it, hubby called to say he had some batteries so i'll be fully back on the wagon tomorrow and I'm going to chain/handcuff/tie/lassoo/ cling on for dear life because quite frankly i'm fed up of coming on here and telling you all i've failed again when you're all doing so well.