http://www.minimins.com/exante/146063-why-only-1-bar-day.html .... because of the carb content & a possible laxative effect!
Day 4 TFR Fri 16th April
B- Strawberry shake
L- Vegetable soup
D- choc orange bar
*2litre water
*3 black coffee with sweetner
(so far)
Well, i was having a good day :sigh:
Doubting i can do this over the weekend.
Bf asked me why do i always think im fat. I had no answer other than because i am. His answer, but your not.
what a rubbish start to the day.
Edit: Went to sainsburys, cheered myself up by buying myself 2 new cirlce cake tins, spring bottomed ones

a new metal spoon for folding

and some lf salad dressings for when i eat again (as theyre on offer at the mo!)
So here is my opinion on the Exante stuff, incase anyone was wondering what theyre like. (of course everyones taste is different etc)
Banana shake - blurgh
Vanilla shake - blurgh
Strawberry shake - blurgh
Chocolate shake - blurgh
To me all i can taste is powder and water. They have very little flavour and its usually only after ive swallowed i can taste something. Not my cup of tea but i theyre not meant to be nice right! (LT chocolate shakes were the bees knees i tell ya! :giggle
Mushroom soup - yum
Tomato & basil soup - yum
Vegetable soup - yum
Thai chicken soup - yum
So, i adore the soups on this diet. (not too keen on the mushroom bits in the mushroom soup but taste wise fine). I look forward to it every night! They really are quite yummy! You can add spices etc on Exante but i dont feel as if i need to
Nut, raisen & toffee bar - delish. Has actual real raisens in! :drool:
Chocolate orange bar - even better! :drool: Actual real choco chips! Tastes like im eating a segment of Terrys Chocolate Orange, the one with krispie bits in!
So there we av it!
