♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

I LIKE those milky bars! ;) Well done for resisting it so long!

How did the run go?? xx
They are yummy arent they!!! :) I used to like the yorkie raisen & biscuit one :drool:

Run was ok. I improved by 1min 30secs. Would have been a little more if I didnt have to cross a road where no flippin driver would let me cross even though they could see I was running :mad:

But, im defo built for distance and not speed. I got back and my legs felt like jelly and I had to sit down. I havnt had that feeling since week 1 of couch to 5k!! But doing a short run each week is in the 1/2 marathon training so i better get used to it :cool:
change of plan for my lunch - having 1/2 can baked beans and 20g cheese instead of salmon & salad cream :eating:
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No bad thing to be built for distance hon - especially when you do your half and - eventually I'm sure - full marathons!! xx
Full marathons :eek:

Sacrificed an oatcake, some peanut butter & my lf yog for 4 quality streets that my little brother has just brang around as a thankyou to my mum ... good sacrifice i reckon! :)
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Just noticed - my diary is 5star rated ... thanks whoever did that :D x

Lately girls ive been getting spots :( I never ever had spots in my teens only the 1 when it was totm that would last a couple days and go. Untill now i've been fine but about 6 weeks ago i had a cluster of 3 spots by my lip that are still there! I now have one behind my ear and now have one right in the middle of my cheek! What an earth is going on?! Anyone got any ideas?! I always used to have such nice skin :cry: used to say it was one of my best features but now im spot riddled! :confused:

Thursday 25th November

B- 2 slices wm bread 6pp
2 boiled eggs 4pp
tomato ketchup 1pp

L- chicken breast 120g 4pp
100g boiled pots 2pp
carrot & swede mash 0pp
green beans 0pp
cauliflower 0pp
50ml gravy 1pp

*meringue nest 1pp

D- 1 oat topped wm roll 4pp
Light Philadelphia 1pp
Cucumber 0pp
Lettuce 0pp

*fresh cream eclair 4pp
*apple & satsuma 0pp
*polony 2pp

Total = 29pp
Slush fund = 1pp used today/6pp used total so far 43pp left
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Welcome ;)

Menu looking grand chick.

No idea about the spots, did you change your food around the time when the spots started, or even change anything else like cleansers, soap, fabric conditioner etc?
Not that i'm aware of Mary. I got the cluster of 3 spots the day after my grandads wedding. Put it down to a little bit of stress/emotions but they are still there along with 2 more now.

Never wash my face with soap etc I always use a facial wipe. Maybe I should use some spot clearing wash or something? Im frightened though that'll bring em all out! :eek:
For about the last 3 months I have stopped using face wipes, I just use a tiny tiny bit of shower gel, and exfoliating gloves, and my skin has gone so much nicer, no dryness etc, which I was prone to before.

The only time I use face wipes is to remove mascara.

Are you drinking plenty of water, if not, try to up your water intake to flush anything out.
Yup still drinking atleast 1.5litres a day.
Maybe i'm resigned to acne in my 20's!!! :( lol
I still get spotty in my 50's at time of the month, but thats getting better now - not seen nowt since Aug 16th.

Oooh hope I dont jinx myself now!
Thats it mary rub it in that you don't have any and i have a face covered.... :giggle: :p
Re: ♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ ♥ Year 2!! :)

Say hello to my new friend!!!!!!! :p


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Ouch - I would go to Boots and speak to someone there, they might be able to recommend something, you might need to start using cleanser, toner, moisturiser etc.
Re: ♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ ♥ Year 2!! :)

Good idea Mary. I'm going to town Monday too. See the little cluster by my lip too? That's been there since the 3rd of October!!!! Bleddy things!x
Morrisons fresh cream eclairs, pack of 4 each one is 4pp.
So I just munched one - just because i was only on 24pp and i still had 5pp spare for the day. Was worried this might happen! :doh:
Are the rest of them shouting at you from the fridge?....come and get us!