♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

Sooooo, say hello to my little niece or nephew!!

The baby was soooo active! It kept moving and stretching. It was opening and closing its mouth so much I turned around and said "oh its gunna be gobby, just like you leanne!!" haha Saw its heart beating. It was such an amazing experience and I was very grateful leanne wanted me there :)

Mum & grandma were so excited! My grandma even shed some tears as she's never been to a baby scan before! The next one is booked 2 days before christmas and the day Lee gets home for xmas leave so he should be able to go to that one :fingerscrossed:


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Awwwwwww how lovely!! :) And lovely that 'Dad's' family is so involved. We usually lose out to 'Mum's' family over going to scans & things, so good for her!! :D

Sorry 'bout your thigh ... odd that you can't think what you've done ... hope it's soon better!!! :eek:

Ooo reading your crustless quiche reminds me I haven't made one for ages ... hmmmmm xx
Were all pretty close with her and we are like sisters, even down to the arguements! :rotflmao: Her mum isn't very well and is already a grandma a couple of times over so she thought it'd be better to ask my mum and grandma and me. V.thoughtful of her :)

I'm thinking I might have slept funny on it or something - its a v.weird feeling. Its like a dull, heavy ache!
That sounds uncomfortable :( .. hope it soon sorts itself out!

I think that's lovely of your bro's gf and her Mum .. I really do ... speaking as a mum who's felt really left out you can tell your mum from me she's really lucky!! :D xx
Aww how lovely to see your niece/nephew scan, they are brill.

Hope the thigh is feeling better for Sunday for you x x
This weeks menu plan :)
Tuesday 1st November (run)
B- porridge 287
Oj 82

L- chicken breast, butterbeans, yellow pepper, red onion, ww parmesan & pesto sauce 229
Cous cous 237
yog 48

D- jordans bar 154
2 satsumas 100
Total = 1,137

Wednesday 2nd November (shift)
B- 2x wm toast 220
Jam 74
Oj 82

*banana (maybe during shift) 100

L- chicken breast, butterbeans, yellow pepper, red onion, ww parmesan & pesto sauce 229
Cous cous 237
yog 48

D- jordans bar 145
2 satsumas 100
Total = 1,235

Thursday 3rd November
B- bitesize shredded wheat 174
Milk 75
Oj 82

L- chicken breast, butterbeans, yellow pepper, red onion, ww parmasen & pesto sauce 229
Cous cous 237
Yog 48

D- jordans bar 161
Banana 100
Total = 1,106

Friday 4th November (shift & weigh in day!)
B- bitesize shredded wheat 174
Milk 75
Oj 82

L- 2x wm bread 220
Tuna & elf mayo 124
Crisp 133
Yog 48

D- jordans bar 145
Apple 51
Satsuma 50
Total = 1,102
Saturday 5th November (might be out to lunch with a friend but if not this is what I’ll have)
B- 2x wm toast 220
Butter 120

L/D- pork loin 276
Apple sauce 39
Baby boiled potatoes 70
Broccoli 40
Gravy 50
Glass of red 170
s.Total = 985
(will make sure its atleast 1,200 throughout the day as it’ll be race day the next morning!)

Sunday 6th November (race day!!!)
B- porridge 287
Oj 82

L/D – me & Stevie are going out for a bite to eat and plenty of drinks Sunday afternoon so will update then
Ah Jan, it's a shame you felt left out :( Hope you don't feel so left out now that the grandkids are here!

Thanks Lis. It definatly was a brilliant experience, so surreal to see something so tiny moving like that!

Thigh is alot better today. I even went for my last run before the race on sunday! Today was 2.55 miles in 28:21. Looking like my 1hr10m target is going to be hit or miss. It really is going to come down to the day. I'm going to try my hardest to get it but I must remember not to push myself at the start and keep to my steady pace and pick it up come the last mile or so. I'm not going to be too dissapointed if I don't get 1hr10 but aslong as I tried my best and did all I could. But please keep your fingers crossed for me!! :p

Tuesday 1st November

Run 2.55 miles 28:21

B- porridge 287
Oj 82

*1/2 slice bread 55
*pickled egg 100
*cheese 60

L- chicken breast, butterbeans, yellow pepper, red onion, ww parmesan & pesto sauce 229
Cous cous 237

*3dark choc squares 123

D- jordans bar 145
2 satsumas 100
Total = 1,418
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Glad your thigh is a lot better ... I'm sure it'll stay that way for Sunday! I wouldn't mind betting you get within the time you want .. can't wait to see!

I feel a little more included now Tan but nowhere near as much as DIL's Mum ... the saying is true ...... "A son is a son till he takes a wife, a daughter's a daughter all her life" :( xx
I can't wait either Jan. I have just sorted out my playlist to listen to and the last 6 songs which start from 50mins in are eye of the tiger and sandstorm repeated alternatly (sp?) - both of which get me pumping and focused! :) should help! Never heard that saying but can see why its true! xx

bit of a picky evening - not impressed with myself! Whilst cooking my lunch I had 1/2 a slice of wm bread, a pickled egg and a slither of cheese!

Why do I do this to myself?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
All I want to do is eat and eat and eat. Chocolate & pasties is what I want! lol

Tonight is going to be a v.long night too as I woke up at 2:30 so my entire food for the day is a lot earlier which means i'm going to be hungry tonight!!!

Moan over :p
Aww it is so lovely to be involved with your brothers baby ! Next thing you'll get broody!!!!
Not a chance Molly!!!!!!!! :p

Just went to the shop, intentionally to buy myself a dark chocolate chocolate bar :sigh: had 2 chunks so far! :(
I don't know why these things are set out as temptations!!!

Hope all becomes clear to and for you this week Tan!

Fingers crossed for the time you want at the weekend!!! :) :D xx
I'm beating myself up over it! I'm still under the 1,400cals max a day I set myself but the rest of the bar is just calling my name from the fridge!!! Wish it would shut up!

Weigh in Friday and there is defo going to be a gain, I just hope it's not too much! :sigh:
Oh I know it's a b**ger!!! :( xxx
Been called into work early which means I wont stuff my face with the yummy junk food in the kitchen!! Blessing!! :)
I've had really bad stomach cramps these past two days - I havn't been to the toilet properly in about a week. At first I thought it was my totm coming but maybe not. Think I will have to take some senokot after work tonight! Sorry if tmi! :p

Got a shift tonight. Going to take a banana with me as I had breakkie at 3:30 and wont get home to eat lunch till about midnight and I always get really hungry during a shift!

Wednesday 2nd November (shift)
B- 2x wm toast 220
Jam 74
Oj 82

*5 extra strong mints 50
*banana 100

L- chicken breast, butterbeans, yellow pepper, red onion, ww parmesan & pesto sauce 229
Cous cous 237
yog 48

*2 squares dark chocolate 82

D- jordans bar 154
2 satsumas 100
Total = 1,376
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Crumbs - will a banana be enough?? Hope you're enjoying your shift :D xx
I forgot my banana :doh: and my seargent went to the chippy ...... but I resisted! ;) I actually had 5 extra strong mints then scoffed the banana when I got home whilst reheating my main meal.

Shift was good thanks :) xxx

Edit: the last 2 squares of dark chocolate just got munched!
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Tanya, you are doing really well and right back into the running again, well done chick.

Your menu's also seem very good lately, you seem to be in a good zone at the moment :)
Just not feeling it today. I've got a right picky head on and all I want to do is eat and eat and eat. I hate this feeling :sigh: Already a change to the menu plan as I fancied toast when I got up not cereal.

Still haven't been to the toilet properly.
It's weigh in tomorrow and I feel like saying f**k it and scoffing my face and going on a right binge. :17729:

Thursday 3rd November
B- 2slices wm toast 220
butter 60
chocolate spread 60
Oj 82

L- chicken breast, butterbeans, yellow pepper, red onion, ww parmasen & pesto sauce 229
Cous cous 237
Yog 48

*parmasan & garlic straw 38
*options orange hot choc 38
*fox's biscuit 73

D- jordans bar 161
Banana 100
Total = 1,346
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