Gold Member
Ohhhh lunch sounds lovely! I'm still debating what to have x
It’s good for calories for sayin how full it makes you.
Ohhhh lunch sounds lovely! I'm still debating what to have x
Oh I’d choose the choc cake lol. Had a email from Toby carvery sayin they do massive cakes now ones a rainbow unicorn cake looks lovely
Ner you can keep it. Not fussed about cake. The only cake I would consider swapping cheese and biscuits for is black forest gateaux.
Ye I like that look at us fatties all we do is talk about food
Ye I’m alright talking about food when I ant hungry . Enjoy your dinner
Thursday I weighedanother 1/4 gone think this week goin be rubbish lol. Need another 1/4 to get a pound tomorrow. I think maybe if weighin sat I may have got quite abit more who knows. Prob didn’t help having my tea so late last night was 8.30 when I ate but oh well.
Currently at 16.6 3/4 my 2 stone was 16.9 so got a few extra pounds to play with while away it all helps.
Today plan starting to get excited about holiday now just tonigjt to work then I’m donegoin shop today to get snacks for the journey down there for a feeling it’s going to be a long one.
Dinner crackers 250
Tea chinese pork steak, jacket and veg
Not worked cals out yet
Hopefully get abit more in morning would be nice.
It won’t be long till ur holiday and u got for ages so it’s worth the wait lol. I’m a way I’m gutted goin away don’t want to gain the weight haha. Was thinkin to myself earlier 4 3/4 of 2 and 1/2 stone then I’m nearly at 15s and I Cnt even explain how happy that thort makes me lol.
Tried my costume on last night so could get away with smaller size but least my belly looks a lot flatter now thats one thing
Ye that’s how I feel I don’t want to over eat and gain weight I want to loose it. I know soon as there il screw up aswell ans regret it.
Goin Lidl In abit get some spirits and they have pina colada in there at min the barcardi Ready made stuff I know for fact mum
Will want it
Ye the one I got a while ago, i logged when I brought it what weight I was I was 17.1 so nearly 9lb loss since buying in. I haven’t got the receipt that’s trouble well Cnt find it. It’s from m&s dunno if they will exchange it . Trouble is haven’t really got time now go change it caise would have go derby as it’s a bigger store don’t think the one near me stocks that many. Il prob just buy a diff one for Tenerife if looks really baggy
Ye I need it for next week cause there is a swimmin pool. It will do as a spare doesn’t look to bad at the min but il just get another for Tenerife.
Iv seen them before Iv had the pina colada one I’m sure that would of been a lot more tho haha
Like your idea of thinking. It’s what they do in bars isn’t it it’s all Ice in the glass
Ye haha
I’m shattered not stopped for hours and still forgot to go cashpoint lol. Been and got his beer for goin and snacks for the car. It’s like all
You know that feelin when u have so much to do but really can’t be bothered to move. I had a steak bake while I was out that was nice Still got check cals out for tea and iron loads of clothes . Wanted clean today but that hasn’t happened
Just realised I haven’t had a drink yet today could be that feeling so drained and I must move.
Ye it will get done I’m always a last min person