Silver Member
Ye the sizes where small some just different designs just fit diff aswell
I no hahaha, it was one of them times where u think oh that’s nice il just try that and before u know it got loads to try and all looked fine so thort stuff it lol. She was bein super good sat in her pushchair the whole time. Managed to get most of mine, Olivia still needs stuff , he got most of his and managed get a huge suitcase . Get paid again on the Friday before we go so might wait abit now or will be skint all month lol. Prob need couple hundred more then done all The bits and bobs add up
Hahaha I love that I have a weed aswell lol.
Was goin to nip town today but don’t know if can be bothered now . Still not dressed been tryin clean but it’s to hot might just go for a drive out somewhere after dinner
Haha well when I was at school a weed was a weak person so can see why she doesn’t like it lol.
I was still awake at 2 just no air , dreading goin work later will be horrid
It’s lovely and breezy now isn’t it . Iv come home and sittin in garden it’s lovey
Sorry tried replying before I went into work but the page wouldn’t load.
I’m so excited for weighing tomorrow haha I’m buzzing because I’m so close to 15s now..
Haven’t stopped all day so think tomorrow will be a good mid week weigh aswell. You know the weeks where u just know it’s goin to be good haha. So far this week Iv lost 3/4 but I’m really happy with that as all weekend I was completely off plan. As long as I get me 2 1/2 stone for sat il be happy. 1 1/2 to go lol
Morning , Wednesday
You can always tell can’t you. I haven’t weighed yet Olivia is still asleep. She was playin hide and seek with her animals untill 10.30 last night.btw this was sat in her bed as she knows not aloud out of it when it’s night time
crazy child
I know I’m totally buzzing right now can’t stop smiling haha. Ye I have 6 3/4 to go I think I can get another 1 3/4 off this week by sat. That leaves me 5lb and 2 weeks I actually think I can do this . This hot weather has saved me been so busy enjoying it not had time to eat.
Ye she’s so funny I walked into bedroom and hubby was laughing sayin she’s preparing herself for in night if thirsty![]()