Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her
I'm glad I'm losing weight, but this journey feels SLOW!!!! What wouldn't I do to wake up slim in 10 weeks time!!!!
10 weeks?! What about 10 days lol!!
Oh Isis...why was today terrible?
Me too!! Watch all the diet programmes, constantly working out if I lose this much a week what I will have lost by such a date and so on. Looking back at my losses from last time and then counting the same weeks for this year - trying to gauge when I'll be a certain weight by. I guess you have to fairly obsessive to do a VLCD anyway! Been soooo cold today. I've got thermal long johns and t shirt on under my clothes but still cold. Am sure I feel it more when dieting. I sometimes have two bars a day but often find that they make me hungrier - I think it's the chewing, makes me want to EAT!! Good luck to the Friday weighers x
Now Amazon is having some issue and won't let orders be paid for. An internal error. I am over this day! I should just sleep lol
I have been slightly hungrier (or niggly and unsettled rather than hungry...) today...I may have to drop the second bar
This diet is evil. Get back on track tomorrow and good luckDay 13 - Phooey day here too. Went out for meal as felt hadn't done anything nice for a whole. Had chicken chips and salad but didn't feel any better after eating it. I think it was the habit if going out I was missing and not the actual food. Putting it all behind me and back on it tomorrow x
This diet is evil. Get back on track tomorrow and good luck