I just wanted to thank everyone on this thread thats posted. its made interesting reading. ive just left a couple of posts on other threads congratulatiing people for losing weight rather well. although im very motivated and in no way "quitting" the plan, in the back of my mind, i thought i was losing a little slowly..
because im doing this at home with alot of help from this site, i never really researched the whole 1/3 superfree foods on your plate thing. i knew about it, but never really looked into why it was so important. i now realise reading all these posts that, this is porbably why my loss seems to be slow (but steady!) ive upped my exercise thinking THAT was the prob. how silly have i been! I actually find brekkie no prob and have, from day one, had a bowl of fruit with yogurt. but must admit, lunch and snacks havent always been mainly fruit or veg. dinners im alot better at, but again, its not maybe been a third, and my portions of pasta etc have still been huge. so much so the other night, i had ANOTHER (in as many days) stomach aches so bad, it reminded how awful labour pains were!! I went hot and cold and even had to get off the loo, and onto the floor worried i would pass out!!!!! All because my eyes are still too big for my stomach! ( and yes im rather embarrassed about all this, still, ive learned my lesson!)
I would say yesterday was my first real day ALL meals included at LEAST 1/3. i had cereal and yogurt this morning and thought ill have fruit later.. and now ive read all this! DOH! As they say though, knowledge is power. Ive now got more idea of what to do for better losses and look forward to them having read all this!!
Thanks again everyone!