Hope you're OK Lily. I see you've not been on for a few days. How did you get on at the docs?
Hello hun, please don't mention docs, I have a whole list of appointments coming up, got to have blood tests because my diabetes has gone haywire, the thrush isn't getting any better so blood tests and swabs for that and now blood tests for Arthritis cos everywhere aches real bad, especially my hips, ankles, neck and hands, tried to tell my GP it's most likely PSA (Psoriatic Arthritis) and not likely to show up on blood test and I really need to see rheumatologist first, having psoriasis for 43+ years is bound to have some effect, I was diagnosed with arthritis of the spine some 16 or so years ago, but doc didn't want to listen and insisted I go for blood test, so I will wait till I see my derm on 11th March and get her to refer me, Having said that I have to email her about a letter for housing benefits and PIP claim so might just slip in a word about a rheumatologist at the same time lol...nothing to lose eh?
I didn't go back to Kirsty's yet, hoping to go Wednesday (she works Sun, Mon and Tues) came down with worst bout of thrush last week, really starting to get to me, saw this other doc and she prescribed the blood tests etc and Fluconazole capsules 50mg a day....I think you were right, the other doc prescribing AB's was a mistake and I got the impression this doc agreed but they won't say anything against each other will they?
Also seen the Diabetic nurse and for the first time since I was diagnosed with Diabetes some 9 years ago she actually sat down and explained so much to me, mainly because I refused to keep taking the metformin, I kept on taking them for years and years and felt so ill every day that in the end I cut them out and felt so much better immediately and I decided I would just concentrate on diet and exercise which according to her is good but not good enough right now, for some reason my HBA1C levels have shot right up since I saw her about 7 months ago and are now 93 they should be no higher than about 47, when I saw her last they were 51 and we were ok with that so them being that high now is a little worrying especially as she told me if they not back to where they were when I see her in a few months, I will be put on insulin. So all the more reason to get on with this diet and exercise I guess.
I am just so tired all the time of late, I went to bed at about 4 this morning and slept right through till 2pm, not good as I have to go out tomorrow early and you can bet your bottom dollar I won't sleep tonight ...oh well lol
Enough of my moaning, hope you're keeping well and hope to catch up with you shortly hun
Oh one more thing before I disappear....In all my 56 years of life I have never had to cook for less than 5 people, even before Kirsty and Mark had Harry I would cook for 5 cos Mark would take leftovers for his lunch...so since they left and it's just me and Mal .....I am still cooking for at least 5 people lmfao...I made a pot of chicken stew last week, Mal and I had it 3 days running and then couldn't face anymore and threw the rest, which in fact wasn't that much and then tonight I made a stir fry and you got it, even though I cut down there was still enough for at least 4, guess what we have for dinner tomorrow :giggle: xxxx