1 Hitchhiker gone, one more still hanging on, but not for long!!

these boilers are really messing around now, i would hate not having hot water, hope you have got it sorted today and can have that bath, i am more of a shower girl xx

meals look good x haven't made minestrone for a while think it might be on the cards this week xx
we have had lovely sunshine today hope you have too xxx :character00238:

I feel your pain re the boiler mine has gone too. Here's hoping the maintenance man has worked his magic, I suppose I'm lucky in that I prefer showers and have an electric shower so not entirely dependent on the boiler. Roll on summer so I don't need the heating. Hope you've had a good day. :D

Hello ladies, well it turns out there was nothing wrong with the boiler, it had apparently jammed open and then righted itself, if we had carried on trying to fill it etc we wouldn't have had to have the engineer out but of course they don't tell you that do they, so had 3 days without hot water and went to Kelly's ( boy do I hate her bath, it's so much higher and slippier that mine) when I didn't actually need to. xxx
oooops made a booboo and posted twice lol xx
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Well once again it has been a very tricky weekend, got a call on Sunday morning saying Mal's sister had passed away the previous day, felt like de ja vu, apparently she had been ill for quite a tie with stomach cancer, but also had a blood problem for donkeys years and passed from a clot that started in her stomach and quickly travelled to her heart. This is the 2nd time she had this, first time they managed to pull her through back in 2004, I remember the year as it was a) the year mal's dad died and b) the year that Mal and his sister last spoke. She was a (and I don't like speaking ill of the dead) money orientated woman. When Mal's Dad we found a tin under a floorboard under his bed containing £7000, we phoned Margaret, Mal's sister and told her, so they decided they would split it down the middle and leave it at that, but then Mal told her he was going to buy our Kelly an her husband outfits for the funeral from his half, she went ballistic (there were other things too but too long to tell on here) screaming and crying and apparently throwing herself on the floor, she was 65 at the time, and accusing Mal and Myself of being thieves....I am still really annoyed about that, we spent £2000 of our own money doing her dad's bungalow up for when he came out of hospital, which he did for a month before he died, and we never asked for a penny of that back so to be accused was so hurtful. Anyways she did phone Mal and apologise but they never really stayed in contact after that, so to find out she has been ill for so long and nothing was said until she died has really hit him hard and he now feels guilty, can't do anything to make him see it was just as much her problem as his but he won't accept that right now.
We are waiting to hear when the funeral is, I have a feeling it will be Monday or Tuesday of next week. I won't be going as the drive is too long for me right now, but Kirsty has agreed to go if it's before she flies out to Portugal on the 20th or Kelly (who didn't get on with Mal's sister or her family) will go if it's after that date they bless them, don't want him going alone.

We were invited to my brothers for dinner (he's the rich ba***rd as we call him :giggle:) on Sunday too, I accepted as I thought it might take Mal's mind off his sister, which it did, the food was delicious but heavy ...no very heavy in syns, lets just say I saw him marinating the gorgeous chops :drool: (what they paid for them I could have fed me and Mal on for a week lol) in double cream, then used about half a bottle of red wine and god knows what else to make the thick scrumptious gravy and god knows what else was in there, and we finished with brandy baskets and thick clotted cream, ice cream :gimi: :eat: and that's without the southern comfort and lemonade's they were plying me with and each one of them was at least a triple :eek:...so if I say a trillion syns for Sunday dinner I might be close :giggle:

Back to group tonight, if I've put on less than a stone in the last 9 weeks since I last went I'll be happy ...I would normally step on my scales as they are almost a perfect match for group ones but I'm too scared lol.
Anyways my lovelies take care and I'll be back later to let you know how I have done :eek: xxx:hug99:xxx
Morning Lovelies, just a quick one as I have Kirsty and Harry coming over today and my sister that I didn't see is popping into my brothers and once she is done there will be coming across here for a while.
Wen back to group last night and was warmly welcomed back, well 9 weeks ago when I first became really ill I weighed 20st 8lb, I had already at that point put back on over a stone just hadn't been able to get back into it for over a year, kept putting on and taking off the same 8-9lbs and was back to my highest weight for 7 years just before I became ill.
So I was expecting a hefty gain last night, was thinking I would add at the very least 1 to 1.5st, so imagine my surprise and delight when it turned out to be only 9lbs. I know and that confirms that I am at the very least maintaining some of my knowledge about SW as before joining I would and often did put on half a stone a week, to have put on just 1lb each week is an absolute eye opener for me. But looking back over these last 9 weeks I can see that when I was bad I was bad but that was it, I didn't eat bad every meal and all day like I would have before SW, so I am chuffed but nose back to the grindstone now I want that 9lb off if I can by the end of this month and a few more if I can. But I'm not going to totally hold my breath, just work hard and see what results I get and with that here is my food diary from yesterday (anyone else experience problems getting on minis last night ?) xxx

Food Diary:

Tuesday 12th May 2015

Small fruit salad
1 Weetabix 3syns
1 toffee mullerlight yoghurt
I banana
1 cup of coffee
Pint of Water

Minestrone soup
Salted Caramel Tea

Jacket Potato + 75g Light Soft Cheese Hexa
Quorn Chilli
Mixed Salad
Fat Free Vinaigrette
Pint of Water

2 x Boiled Eggs
Snackrite French Fries 3.5 syns
2 x Salted Caramel Bars Hexb + 6 syns
Milk 1 syn
Apple and Pear

Syns for the day = 13.5

Syns for the week day 1 = 13.5/105
Sorry to hear Mal's bad news hun. Hope he gets past his feelings of guilt quickly as it certainly is not his fault they never made up. I would have thought that when serious illness reared it's head she would have forgotten her grievances and got back in touch. Hope the funeral isn't too hard on him.

Yep minis was playing up for me but I thought it might be my lappy as everything was dead slow and stop. But database unavailable was only appearing for minis.

Hope you enjoyed your banoffee breakfast. :D
Morning lily
What a stress ful time your having ,
Sending hugs ((()))

thanks hun, it can only get better xxx:hug99:xxx
21 May2015
Sorry to hear Mal's bad news hun. Hope he gets past his feelingsof guilt quickly as it certainly is not his fault they never made up. I wouldhave thought that when serious illness reared it's head she would haveforgotten her grievances and got back in touch. Hope the funeral isn't too hardon him.
Yep miniswas playing up for me but I thought it might be my lappy as everything was deadslow and stop. But database unavailable was only appearing for minis.

Hope youenjoyed your banoffee breakfast.

Long story hun, but Mal has been talking to his brother in law all week and it seems even though she had been ill for about 6 months, they didn't realise until 2days before she died that it was actually that serious, it seems she had been having treatment for various illnesses but then she had been all the 40 years I had known her, apparently she had cancer but was seemingly responding quite well to treatment, but then the day she died she had some kind of aneurism in her stomach, which burst and within an hour she was gone, shame they didn't talk before she died but there seems to be no bitterness about that from both sides, just a little sadness.
I have had the database unavailable thing come up three times since it's annoying
And yes I loved my banoffee breakfast it was delish :drool: xxx lol

Please rell me you have not disappeared again hun. You've beenAWOl a week now and I'm getting worried.
No I'venot disappeared just been ultra busy with the funeral coming up on Tuesday and to top it all off having THE worst flare up of psoriasis that I have had in over 5 years, very painful, sore and almost impossible to do anything, just about able to type 1 fingered, which I hate, takes me forever like this lol
On a better note, got my letter back about my PIP (Personal Independence Payment,which replaced DLA. Disability Living Allowance), I was awarded the Enhanced payments on the Daily Living Section and the lower payment on the mobility section, makes me laugh I can't walk but because I can plan a route I don't get the enhanced payment on mobility oh well never mind, I had it backdated to when I claimed in early January and this morning they paid just shy of £2000 into my bank.
Which means I can now actually afford a new suite, which I have picked out and paid the deposit on already lol and put some money aside for a rainy day too, didn't pay for the suite in full yet as I am not having it delivered until 1st week of October, I thought that would give us time to sort out the decorating of the living room and kitchen and my brother just sold his house and business premises as he is retiring in July and that money will be in his account by early June at the latest and he is then going to buy my flooring and Mal and I have finally agreed on that too, so that's going well.
Mal wanted the whole house carpeted, I didn't because of my skin condition and all the creams and lotions and potions ruining the carpet, no matter how careful I am it still seems to find its way onto my carpets, so we have agreed wooden flooring on the ground floor and stairs and landing to be carpeted, the only difference to what we have now is the living room will be wooden floors and not carpets, I already have wooden flooring in my hall, and I will get a rug to go in the living room too, can't wait am super excited now lol
Oh and I was also tied up with Kirsty, Mark and Harry, they have stayed the last 2 nights, they flew out to Portugal with my sister this morning for their holiday...apparently Harry loved the plane and was a really good boy, bless him.

Anyways my lovely I am not AWOL just a little busy, I will try and get on everyday even if it's just to say hello but if I miss I promise I will be back....oh and no I didn't go to group last night, my feet and hands are so bad I just couldn't walk and probably won't go next week cos of the funeral....anyways as I said I will be back so nighty night xxx:hug99:xxx cya soon xxx

P.S. I am still getting the database unavailable coming up, wrote this lot last night but it crashed and came up database unavailable when I tried posting it, so saved it and tried again tonight lol xxx
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Good to hear from you hun. And your house renovations sound fab. I know what you mean about the lotions and potions mine are the same, they somehow manage to get everywhere no matter how careful you are.Sorry to hear you've had a major flare up hopefully it will sort itself out soon. Hope Tuesday goes OK, well as OK as there things can.

I am loving being able to actually not have to worry about how I am going to pay for the renovations, just had my sister in law around to discuss about the flooring and they are happy to get that on the go as soon as we are ready to have it all done, so super excited about that too.
I did laugh this morning, I bought the paint for the bedroom walls some time back and was convinced it was a deep chocolate brown, so this morning mal got it out of the shed, tipped it up to give it a bit of a shake up and the lid wasn't on properly and it went everywhere lol so Mal needs new jeans and trainers, handy that as we were wondering what to get for Fathers day, but the funny thing was the paint was a reddish brown not the colour I wanted at all, so mal got a little peed about that and then had to go buy more, phoned my brother to see if he still had his account at the paint mixing shop that he buys all his trade paints from, because it's £15 for 2.5L cheaper than anywhere else and he said yeah order what you want and they'll send me the bill so I just bought about £150 worth of paint etc and he's just told me he won't take the money for it, I hate ordering from there for that reason, I know he can afford it more than I can but I am fiercely independent, I am happy to accept the flooring as it would take me forever to save up and I'm not one for getting credit, but this I can afford, so I will get my own back and buy him some of his expensive wine and ports that he likes lol. £150 will just about buy 2 bottles of his wine or port :eek: how the other half lives eh! lol Good job I'm not a big drinker then :giggle:
The funeral is at 10am on Tuesday, I suggested we went down Monday during the day and stay in a hotel overnight, but Mal won't have it.
I think it's a long journey when you're as emotional as he is and too much to do there and back in one day.
Had a good result with the flowers for the funeral, I am not one for buying flowers as a rule I would sooner donate to charity, but Tony Mal's brother in law would like flowers as Margaret was such a keen gardener and absolutely loved flowers always had a house full.
So we rang a florist close to where they live, she has an online site so we were able to see what she did, and they were fantastic.
We'd been to our local florists and while the flowers were quite a bit more expensive they were still ok but sending Teleflora was going to cost somewhere in the region of an extra £30+ per item, we had a single ended spray picked out from Kelly and her family, Kirsty wanted to send the Basket and Mal originally wanted to send a pillow but changed his mind as he had sent the pillow to his Mum and then went for the Initial M instead, in our local florist they wanted with Teleflora over £200 for those 3, we got them from this local florist to my brother in law for £81.50. she is also sending the girls pictures of what she made on their behalf as they can't make the funeral and doesn't charge for delivery either for funerals and her site had so many beautiful testimonials too, she also has a facebook page and has wonderful feedback. Taught me a big lesson, don't use local shops when you can ring them direct and save a fortune, I said to Mal the £100+ we saved on the flowers I'd like to donate to our local peace hospice or if Tony would prefer his local one.

Anyways lovely, I am off ...dinner is ready so I'll catch you laters be good ...luff ya xxx:hug99:xxx
Hi all, just to let you know I am still about, super busy and feeling crap today got a bad headache so thought I'd just pop in say hello and head to my bed and see if I can get rid of it, hope you're all keeping well.

Tomorrow is the funeral and I most likely will be going so I'll catch you Wednesday or so. ttfn and take care xxx:hug99:xxx