KD this is interesting, can you simply explain some of your thinking and practical things you do in regard to this. (Simply because i do seem to have eaten some of my brain whilst on this diet!)
LOL. Yeah, reckon my brain was canabolized in the process
Seriously though, once I knew that there was something biological goin on, I could stop beating myself up about it. I could use logic. I worked out what I needed to maintain my weight, and knew that over that was my inner drive to eat more, rather than an actual need. I did find various techniques that worked for me (putting in a pause to get of the habit of compulsive eating etc).
It explained so much and helped me understand that my excuses to eat too much were probably biologically driven, rather than being just excuses.
I've just watched the Deconstructing Obesity Lecture, and wow wasn't that interesting. Very well explained, so thanks again for that Mr Mini Me
This has been a fascinating thread. I vote it be stickied in the LL hall of fame threads. Super thanks to KD for sharing all her knowledge.
You're welcome
I've received quite a lot of resistant about it on a couple of other forums. For no other reason that people don't believe the problem exists. For me, that's like people saying there is no such thing as a calorie, or homones don't exist.
I went past the doubting stage ages ago, but I can understand in a way. After all, though the scientists have proven this, and explained it over and over again (you know...15,000 studies!), it's not talked about in diet forums, or by doctors, nutritionists etc. I'm confused by this. Would there be any other biological problem that professionals would be so willing to sweep under the carpet?