100% for january

I have gone up to 20.5 syns today- Chinese and a glass of wine at my sister's new house which doesn't have a working kitchen yet. But I only had 8 yesterday so it averages out. I was very good indeed and completely resisted the tin of open chocolate biscuits in favour of a tangerine.
Can I join please? I have 1 day this month where I know i won't be within syn allowance (due to alcohol not food) so if its ok to still join I've done 5/31 so far :D
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I'd like to join too. I only started dieting (again) on 3 Jan and have been 100% so far. Goin to Egypt on 6 Feb and hoping to lose 12-14lb before I go...eek, hope I can do it!
Had a day of yesterday as had a party but back on today nothin else this month apart from a funeral so should be 100% for the rest of the month x
Can I join please? Restarted on 1st Jan and so far 5/31 days. Im too poor to do any socialising this month so hoping for 31/31 days :)
Gah I'm so annoyed with myself, will be sticking at 5/31 today, just had a bit of a chocolate binge, and now I feel sick. 22.5 syns used today - just on chocolate! Going to flexi syn today at 30 as still got Sunday dinner to get through tonight!! :-( xx

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Aww Laura, it is ok, you have had 5 100& days so far, if you got over 80% in a test you'd a pleased right? And you have the rest of the month to improve your percentage :) I'm not saying "so go have some cake" (although how awesome is cake?!) But just don't beat yourself up and keep going :) reallocating it as a Flexiday rather than giving up is brilliant, would you have done that before? Looks like great progress.

I didn't update yesterday but it was another 100% day. Had a full flabbers this morning, been for a walk and about to clear out the quails so the body magic is totting up nicely.