MissNix Gold Member 17 March 2013 #6,346 Honk Day 3... with a little help from friends bringing me back from the brink of a chocolate fail!!!
J.D Silver Member 17 March 2013 #6,347 Honk day 7!!! Weigh in tomorrow! 100% all week and saved 25.5 syns
Allimack Silver Member 17 March 2013 #6,350 Honk Day 1! (AGAIN!) Slipped up a bit on Fri there n wasn't 2 bad but not 100% on Sat but back on it wif avengence! I WILL DO BETTER THIS WEEK!!!!!
Honk Day 1! (AGAIN!) Slipped up a bit on Fri there n wasn't 2 bad but not 100% on Sat but back on it wif avengence! I WILL DO BETTER THIS WEEK!!!!!
Goodygoodstuff Full Member 18 March 2013 #6,356 Honk for today! Still can't quite manage only 15 syns at the weekend. Going to see how I get on this week and work out a coping strategy.
Honk for today! Still can't quite manage only 15 syns at the weekend. Going to see how I get on this week and work out a coping strategy.
teresa32uk Silver Member 19 March 2013 #6,360 My first honk. 11.5 syns and every morsel that passed my lips counted. Feels good.