Lisa xxxx
Weeks 1-4 23lb loss
Weeks 5-8 14.5lb loss
9th week 2.5lb loss
10th week 5lb loss 3 stone award &slimmer of the week

11th week 4lb loss 3:5 stone award slimmer of
12th 2.5lb loss
13th week 2lb loss
14th week 4.5 loss slimmer of the week & 4st award
15th week 3lb loss slimmer of the week
16th week 3.5 loss slimmer of the week 4.5 stone
17th week 2.5 loss and awarded group Miss Slinky
18th week 5lb loss slimmer of the week and 5 stone
19th week 2lb loss slimmer of the month
20th week 2lb loss
21st week 2lb loss 5.5 stone award

22 week 3.5lb loss & slimmer of the week
23rd week 2.5 loss 6 stone award & slimmer
of the week

24th week 2.5lb loss and now at target yipppppeee &
slimmer of the week
25th week 1.5 loss 2lb below target

26th week 2.5 loss 6.5 stone award and joint sotw
27th week 2.5 loss slimmer of the week
28th 1lb loss slimmer of the month January
29th week 1lb loss
30th week 2.5 lb loss and 7 stone award omg !!!!
31st week 2.5 lb loss now at final target

Not very good at this maintaining malarkey as I'm 11lb under and struggling to stop losing