Gold Member
Day 13: actually having time up dry and straighten my hair!! It's the little things
Day 56... Wednesday
Finally getting my hanging baskets sorted...
N baking banana bread for first time. Yum!
Day 58# Having H home
Day 57
Getting more of my garden sorted
Lovely flowers n plants out there now.
Day 58... Friday
Pretty quiet boring day... Éabha's giggles n smiles?!
Day 59... Saturday...
J getting home at 3 instead of 6
Day 63... Wednesday...Day 60... Sunday
Day trip to Wexford to see J's parents for Father's Day. Éabha's first time to leave Dublin
Day 61... Monday...
Finally getting Éabhas room cleared out n tidied again
Day 62... Tuesday
Fab day in the sun with my gorgeous lady