I much prefer the three positives - very good ones and no justifying :happy096:
Well I could do you a VERY long post about how wrong the dietician is in a number of things that she's told you. What I will say is that firstly her attitude towards WW is appalling - if she doesn't agree with their diet then she should sit down and go over with you as to what should be changed and why rather than telling you to reduce your points based on a calorie counting calculation done in 5 seconds. If she doesn't know how the diet works she can't possibly be qualified to make adjustments to it.
The calorie counting - yes it works for some people but it isn't an across the board solution. As a dietician she should be discussing nutrition and so on with you not calorie counting. Her aim should be to guide you to healthier choices - SLOWLY! - to help you make changes that fit into your life and make goals that are achievable. Oh hang on - that sounds quite a bit like WW right?
Some of her nutrition advice is incorrect and amateur as well - as a vegetarian there is no need for you to increase fish in your diet to get various nutrients, proteins and vitamins as you can do the same thing with alternatives that fit with your life choices. Nuts, seeds, various oils etc etc
As for the only way to lose weight being to cut what you are doing and you are lying about what you eat ... please feel free to give me the woman's name and address and I will set up an appointment to educate her about thyroid function let alone anything else the stupid, brainless, uneducated little twat. (I'm having a bad weekend - that's the polite version

Right to get technical - yes protein will help to keep you fuller for longer as it slows down the speed at which your body burns carbs, especially refined carbs, and therefore your body's production of insulin isn't so up and down which is probably why you are struggling to lose weight if you are eating more carbs. Carbs you want to keep to complex carbs if you can - wholegrain, slower burning, low GI foods if possible. I struggle with pulses too but find things like quinoa I can cope with so that might be worth a try. Try and make sure you have some form of protein with every meal to counteract the carb effect and that will start to help.
Obviously I don't know your particular circumstances and I'm not qualified but from the bits you've said it sounds like she would have been much better talking to you about slowly heading towards a lower carb diet and there's no reason why you can't do that while sticking within the WW system. The diet they use is incredibly well researched and created by a team of specialised dieticians who do know what they are doing - its not me thinking WW is the best thing ever so no-one can say anything bad about it but it is a PROPER diet that's been checked and approved and is now recognised by the entire healthcare system. If it was a fad diet I could understand what she was saying but her attitude sucks and isn't helpful - if she's at your surgery I would go back to your doctor and explain what happened. If they don't know what she's telling their patients they can't fix it and they do need to fix it - as you say if someone with major problems with food goes in to see her her reaction could be dangerous.
Seriously - send me her address. I have a friend who struggled for years with anorexia who will happily also educate her about the reality of emotional eating!!! :8855:
Oh and I'd agree with your OH - if you do decide to follow her advice and cut your points then do it slowly. Trying to cut too quick could screw your metabolism up and have a reverse effect and if its becomes too hard for you to stick to then its setting you up to fail so a compromise in between sounds like a sensible solution if you want to go that route.
Ok - that actually was the short version .. honest lol