ProPoints 100lbs to lose - Carriegirl21's Diary

Thank-you sooooo much you lovely bunch! :)
I appriciate all your imput & will reply better tomorrow - had another horrid tear filled day & am finally going to get some sleep!

Going to try & drag 3 positives out still!

1. Had a big heart to heart with OH about all sorts including the decision that I AM going to apply to do an OU course next month!! Huge step for me - I've not been a student for quite some time ;)

2. Made healthier snack choices than normal - and ate another food on my 'demon list' - raw tomato in my salad :)

3. Upped my daily pp by 3pp so I'm not dropping 6pp so quickly like Dietitian-mc-numpty told me to! Ha! ;)

See you tomorrow girlies :D

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I think we might of seen the same dietician - mine tried to get me to go on slimfast!!!! Safe to say I didn't go see her again but signed up to WW the following week! x
Hugs!! What course?! Exciting!! Hope ur feeling better xx
Awww Carrie - I hope you are having a better day by today. Your positives are great and the plans sound exciting but as with Carly I need to give you a huge ((((((hug)))))). Keep your chin up and I'm sure things will get better soon and in the meantime you have loads of support here whenever you need it xxx
Hope ur ok sugar xx
I'm so late catching up again!
Hate when things get so busy that I don't get enough time to come on here :(
Will start with my positives!

1. I applied for a course & got a place on it today woop!! Really scarey but exiting ... finally doing something for myself! It's a writing course & starts next month eeeek!

2. I was feeling lonely as I don't live near many of my friends so I was pro-active & even though I was really nervous I've arranged to go for coffee with a newish friend who is more local next week :) taking control!

3. Ate really well today & got lots of veg in, had some dark chocolate which is 100% times better for me as I don't find it addictive like the yummy kind!

Now to catch up....

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azwethinkweiz said:
I feel like I'm lost for words here. There is no way you should be seeing that dietician. What a fool! If it's becoming too hard for you to drop those points all in one go then do as your OH says. Can't remember whether you go to WW meetings or not but if you do I'd mention this to your leader. If you don't there are tons of people on here who will have an opinion on this sort of thing. If you are getting losses on the pp you were on before then I don't see why you should drop pp (unless WW changes your pp after you've lost a bit).
I started on 29pp so never had to drop any points so ignore what I'm saying if it sounds nonsense... but I even struggle eating only 29 as I'm a hungry girl (and an emotional eater).

Long post, sorry (i said I was lost for words but obviously not :p) xxx

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I don't go to class anymore but did earlier in the year - I've still got all my books so first I worked out my daily pp's from what I was on before but now I have a non-official ww phone app so work it out on there :)
Phone app says I should now be on 47pp a day which must sound like loads if you're used to 29!! I can't imagine being on 29 - I'm strugging on 42! I know if I did it the ww way it would be a gradual decrease & then it's not a shock so you get used to it :)

Still - dietitian was way out of line & I'm thinking about writing a complaint letter.

Basically I didn't lose anymore weight in the month before I saw her so she took that to mean I would just keep maintaining on this daily pp... even though my weight was yo-yoing & not stable...

I guess maybe my metabolism is just a bit slower than the average that ww use to work out their pp's from? It could be all sorts of reasons though, health, meds etc

I've stuck to 42pp daily plus weeklies & used most of weeklies this week - I've found it very tough indeed but I don't WI till tomorrow so still don't know if it's helped!

Even if I get a good loss I may go back up to 45pp a day just so I don't feel so deprived - I need to do this my way & not listen to crazy lady!

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CarlyLanky140 said:
Hi petal! I def wouldn't drop pps coz it is set up with drops in place when u are ready! Slow and steady one at a time according to weight.... I can check u are currently on the right pps if it helps? Xx

Thanks huni :) I've got a phone app to work out my pp's - now it says 47pp a day & dietitian said 42pp so I think I will go for 45pp next week as I found 42pp very very hard this week!
WI tomorrow so we shall see what on earth my body has made of the crazy drop!

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Mifford said:
I much prefer the three positives - very good ones and no justifying :happy096:

Well I could do you a VERY long post about how wrong the dietician is in a number of things that she's told you. What I will say is that firstly her attitude towards WW is appalling - if she doesn't agree with their diet then she should sit down and go over with you as to what should be changed and why rather than telling you to reduce your points based on a calorie counting calculation done in 5 seconds. If she doesn't know how the diet works she can't possibly be qualified to make adjustments to it.

The calorie counting - yes it works for some people but it isn't an across the board solution. As a dietician she should be discussing nutrition and so on with you not calorie counting. Her aim should be to guide you to healthier choices - SLOWLY! - to help you make changes that fit into your life and make goals that are achievable. Oh hang on - that sounds quite a bit like WW right? :D

Some of her nutrition advice is incorrect and amateur as well - as a vegetarian there is no need for you to increase fish in your diet to get various nutrients, proteins and vitamins as you can do the same thing with alternatives that fit with your life choices. Nuts, seeds, various oils etc etc

As for the only way to lose weight being to cut what you are doing and you are lying about what you eat ... please feel free to give me the woman's name and address and I will set up an appointment to educate her about thyroid function let alone anything else the stupid, brainless, uneducated little twat. (I'm having a bad weekend - that's the polite version :D)

Right to get technical - yes protein will help to keep you fuller for longer as it slows down the speed at which your body burns carbs, especially refined carbs, and therefore your body's production of insulin isn't so up and down which is probably why you are struggling to lose weight if you are eating more carbs. Carbs you want to keep to complex carbs if you can - wholegrain, slower burning, low GI foods if possible. I struggle with pulses too but find things like quinoa I can cope with so that might be worth a try. Try and make sure you have some form of protein with every meal to counteract the carb effect and that will start to help.

Obviously I don't know your particular circumstances and I'm not qualified but from the bits you've said it sounds like she would have been much better talking to you about slowly heading towards a lower carb diet and there's no reason why you can't do that while sticking within the WW system. The diet they use is incredibly well researched and created by a team of specialised dieticians who do know what they are doing - its not me thinking WW is the best thing ever so no-one can say anything bad about it but it is a PROPER diet that's been checked and approved and is now recognised by the entire healthcare system. If it was a fad diet I could understand what she was saying but her attitude sucks and isn't helpful - if she's at your surgery I would go back to your doctor and explain what happened. If they don't know what she's telling their patients they can't fix it and they do need to fix it - as you say if someone with major problems with food goes in to see her her reaction could be dangerous.

Seriously - send me her address. I have a friend who struggled for years with anorexia who will happily also educate her about the reality of emotional eating!!! :8855:

Oh and I'd agree with your OH - if you do decide to follow her advice and cut your points then do it slowly. Trying to cut too quick could screw your metabolism up and have a reverse effect and if its becomes too hard for you to stick to then its setting you up to fail so a compromise in between sounds like a sensible solution if you want to go that route.

Ok - that actually was the short version .. honest lol

Urg you're so right - she p***ed me right off with the calorie counting, straight down the line, 1+1 = 2 for absolutely everyone on the planet grrrr! What a numpty! She seemed to not take any of my health issues into account or my food preferences etc - seemed like she was reading off a script!

The only thing she was right about is that I do lack protein in my diet sometimes - which I have already slowly adjusted - I know where to get it but it comes down to preference & I've just got to balance it out a bit more :)

My OH was fab whilst I turned into a blubbering wreck for a good 4days - all over this! But that's because I have deep rooted issues with food so of course it's going to disturb me when someone stomps all over my efforts!

I'm not into the low-carb thing myself - it's just not for me, certainly I need to balance my diet more which means losing a little carbs to make room for my protein which is hard to get used to but I hope I will feel the benifit soon!

Thanks again for all your input, so glad to have you all to talk to about this! :)

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MrsLmc said:
Hiya Carriegirl just been reading through you diary, hope you don't mind, and got to the last few pages and read about your dietician (as she calls herself but doesn't seem to actually be). I've read Miffords answer. You should definately take more heed to her than your dietician.

Also on cutting down your pp, please don't unless your leader tells you too. WW give you the least amount you need to loss weight! I find if I eat under my pp I don't loss very much at all! It maybe the same for you....continue what you are doing and don't listen to that silly woman ugh....Best of luck xxx

Thanks huni, I'm defo not taking noticed of what the silly dietitian said - i am thinking of writing a letter to complain!
I've done my week At 42pp & it's too much of a drop - back up to 45pp tomorrow after WI!

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Kimboowee said:
I think we might of seen the same dietician - mine tried to get me to go on slimfast!!!! Safe to say I didn't go see her again but signed up to WW the following week! x

Any chance you live in Surrey lol? ;)

Thanks for all the hugs & support everyone - now just got to wait for WI tomorrow!

Hope you all have great Tuesdays & know that all you've said means a lot to me :D

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I'm intrigued to see what your weigh in will bring hon. Hope its worth all this effort you've put in!! 45pp is still down on what WW recommends and I defo wouldn't go lower than that just yet, trial and error though eh?! Hope you're having a good week so far x

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Awesome news on the new course - how exciting! And my god you have more guts than me - I need to man up on making myself get out of the house to meet new people and do more things but I find it too easy to make excuses about why I can't do things on my own when in reality I know that if I just go ahead and do it I'm quite happy.

Hope the weigh in goes well :)
azwethinkweiz said:
I'm intrigued to see what your weigh in will bring hon. Hope its worth all this effort you've put in!! 45pp is still down on what WW recommends and I defo wouldn't go lower than that just yet, trial and error though eh?! Hope you're having a good week so far x

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Mifford said:
Awesome news on the new course - how exciting! And my god you have more guts than me - I need to man up on making myself get out of the house to meet new people and do more things but I find it too easy to make excuses about why I can't do things on my own when in reality I know that if I just go ahead and do it I'm quite happy.

Hope the weigh in goes well :)

Just learnt how to multi-quote wooop! :D

Soooo I lost 2lbs this week :)
I'm very happy as this meant I've broken through my 4lb yo-yo plateau AND I got to put new stars on my chart yaaaay!!

Now - I'm not moaning cos 2lbs is great but considering how much of a drop I took I sort of though it may be a bit more - like a first week loss from dropping 6pp a day... so this week i'm going to go for 45pp a day like I said to make sute I stick at it & don't feel so restricted :)

Miffs - I am just the same - I make so many excuses not to go out but when I do I generally am glad I did :) I just thought "is there anything I can. Do to help myself feel less lonely?" And there was, so i did!
Hope I don't wuss out of it!

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Great loss honey :) xxx

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