I feel like I've gotta make a huge confession tonight even though I shouldn't feel embarassed knowing that this is a safe place to write this stuff.
I keep not wanting to write it down & admit to what I've done but that's the kind of thinking that I need to get over.
I lost the plot. Big time.
It's the 1st time I feel I've really fallen 'off the wagon' since I started this run of ww

Think that's why it's making me feel so guilty.
Turns out I'm still capable of being an utter moron & making the worst decisions possible - I'm so so angry with myself because of having my medical reason to lose weight. I'm putting myself under such a lot of pressure to get this weight off as quick as possible & I'm naturally a very slow loser... but somehow I thought as my reasons were far more serious this time that I would be able to just push all my food issues aside & 'power through', just get the darn job done!
But no. It turns out I'm still human & capable of making mistakes no matter how much It means to me that I don't make them.
I'm having such a terrible few days with general life stuff but also been in intense pain plus I came down with another cold that made my ears hurt like mad. So yeah just feeling really awful physically & mentally hit a downswing & just been really low & tired & moody.
Then I got totm.
Pushed me over the edge & I've eaten like a posessed beast tonight!!
I even went to the shops & grabbed everything I've been wanting - I've been soooo strong at not buying loads of junk but tonight I just couldn't stop - my mind was all over the place & I'm so dissapointed with myself

It doesn't stop there though!
We also got a chinese (why???!)
I've had a strong craving for cashew nuts for weeks but not had them as they are so high in points, which is daft because I should spend my points on healthy snacks like nuts & not random low point bits & bobs - if I'm craving nuts it means my body is screaming for protein or oils right?!
But no I have something daft instead.
Here's the ugly truth - I need to write it down to get it off my mind & so it's not a guilty secret anymore!
Well I had honey roast cashews (totally hit the spot) but hammered the whole bag! 16pp!!!!! A few other salted nuts 2pp
REAL CRISPS! Prawn cocktail walkers 4pp
chinese 20pp
Green&blacks mini ice-cream tub 4pp
Total 46pp.
My brekkie & lunch came to 16pp so I have a daily total of 62pp (gulp)
I'm on 45pp a day so you could say it's just using 17pp but my problem is this:
I went a bit squiffy with my weeklies last week as I sort of used them a day longer than normal - so I carried 18pp weeklies over & used them on Weds but also used 16pp over that! So somehow these 16pp have not been taken out of this weeks weeklies as they happened on weds - now that's just barking!
Who on earth am I fiddling the numbers for?! The scales aren't going to care how carefully I've scribbled it in my notebook!
I've eaten calories - they are in my body & it's done - why am I freaking out about making numbers fit when I've only got to do this for myself?
I really need to be accountable for those extra points I got through cos who am I lying to? Myself?
If I do count the mystery 16pp that I went over last week & take it out of my weeklies plus tonights debacle that leaves me with just 13pp weeklies till Tuesday...
What Have I done?!!
Thank-you if you made it this far - seems I really did need a little self-talking too & vent!
Hope I can see more clearly in the morning & get back my motivation & focus on the reason I'm doing this - I need to get a grip - and I will because I have to but darn this is a really hard patch I'm going through
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