Hey everyone

Sorry I went totally Awol there!
I tend to withdraw when I'm feeling that awful
I can't thank-you all enough for all you messages, advice & support xx
I am still on plan.
I am still tracking.
I am not doing so well on everything else!
I'm dreading WI next week as it has such a huge effect on my mood for the rest of the week & after last weeks suspicious & utterly unwaranted 3lb gain I'm convinced I'm going to be mucking around with these same 4lbs forever!
I did go to the Docs yesterday & ask for my Thyroid to be checked again as well as my Iron & a FBC.
I told him about my weight yo-yoing even though I'm on ww & he was really nice about it & agreed to the tests (usually have to fight for them lol!)
Will leave it here as I need to start getting ready for night out - going to see a friends band play & there are going to be s**t loads of people I know there so am absolutely bricking it!!
Honestly I'm so nervous I've broken out in crazy spots on my face

I get sooooo much anxiety about going to social things but 100 times worse when it's people I know (bizzare right?)
I know this sounds really vain but it's not at all - I get super paranoid people will be looking to see how much weight I've gained or lost & constantly worry about looking massive & ugly :'(
Doesn't help that it's a group of super confident loud people & I just worry all the time about not having anything to say :'(
That's the worst part really - I never know what to say! Wish I had a brain-bank list of things to say in social situations ...
Also I'm driving so will be totally sober eeeeeek!!! Booze is the only thing that makes me appear more human in these situations!
Ok before I talk myself out of it I'm gonna start slapping on the war paint (protection!)
Hope you are all having great weekends & promise I will be back to posting soon

Feel better just writing this
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