Silver Member
Carrie I was thinking about you again today ( I AM NOT A CRAZY STALKER PROMISE!!), but I don't think you should cut your pp all of a sudden. Maybe eat your whole allocated amount this week and then next week if you don't loss cut 1pp per day off that amount and so on each week. If you cut too much you'll not know where your body is actually at, ifykwim.
I remember at the start for the first couple of weeks I ate all allocated pp and had brill loses. Then I got it into my head that if I eat less I'll lose more so I underate on pp. My losses slowed, when I went back to all my dailies I lost more again.
My sister has endro and she had terrible pain, she had key whole surgery to straighten out her fallopian tubes and laser away excess tissue that had grown on to other organs. She only found out because she had been trying for years for a child with no success, she put the pain down to bad period pains. She is now pregnant with her second child and feels 100% better. So don't loss sight of what you want. The surgery will help loads.
Lol! It's so funny because I think about you lot in the day as well! And then want to come back with my thoughts :gen126: :character00148:
I'm fascinated to hear about others personal experience with Endo as it's still all brand new to me :sigh2:
I really feel for ya sister - it brings so much pain & as it's 'invisible' people can't really be expected to always be sympathetic & you get a lot of stick off some as you look 'well enough' grrrr!
I can't tell you what it means to hear you say she feels so much better after surgery, that really does give me hope

I need to have the keyhole surgery too - gotta get at least 5stone off 1st sooooooo gutted