Really upset - friendship problems :'(
I'm having such a bad day... I feel like I'm losing my best friend & there's nothing I can do - ball is in her court

Basically due to my illness & have to stay in & pass up invitations for the past 3years I've grown apart from most of my friends

She was the only one left that I still had regular contact with but now even she seems to be pulling away & frankly - not being a very good friend to me anymore.
I know I sound pathetic & I feel it too.
The truth is I probably wouldn't put up with being treated this way if I had other friends to be with but like I said - the damage is done & it's my own problem that I got sick & couldn't go out - people stop inviting you places if you say no often enough.
I love her to pieces & we've been friends for over 12 years & that's why it's so heart-breaking for me :'(
I wish I could give up Facebook cos all I see is her spending time with tons of other people but not having time for me even though I've been there for her through thick & thin... I hate the term 'growing apart' and you think it will never happen to you but it's quite clear to me, no matter how hard I deny it, that that's what's happening.
And I HATE it.
We did have a disscusion about this at the start of this year & it was 1 of only 2 dissagreements we've ever had.
At the time she admitted she thought I was being weird with her but we talked it out via e-mail & both said we'd shed tears over the idea of not having each other as friends etc... so we agreed to not speak of it again as we both knew we wanted to stay friends..... but nothing has changed.
I still feel the same negativity about the way she seems to just plain not need me as much as I need her.
Oh what a pickle.
I know people will tell me to go make new friends, join a group etc but I tell ya it's absolutely 99% impossible!
At my age it's soooooooo hard to. meet people esspecially with my health keeping me from working or socialising much (wish my phone had a spell-checker!)
Add onto that the fact that I'm incredibly shy and have pretty epic social anxiety and you've got a recipe for a hermit life
Don't know what to do. Am very upset. Don't want to lose her but it's hurting me so much every time I see her statuses... I need to get a life right?!
Soz for the rant - needed to get it out! x
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