Minimins app has been broken all day on my phone!! Severely annoying! Don't know if it's just my phone or internet but it's only this app that's being funny

I rely on this site SO much so it made me so worried not being able to read or post!
Hope this will post lol
Well my new scales got delivered! I wasn't going to weigh today like i said it's totm - no good would come of it - but i had to try my new scales eeeeeek!! They show at least a 3lb gain this week!! Really hope it's just bloat (always heavier at this time) but still don't like seeing the numbers go up AGAIN.
I can't get past that .8lb point & it's driving me cukoo!
Also i'm a bit annoyed at the new scales - they wouldn't give me the same weight twice in a row :'(
And even more annoying than weighing in 1/4lbs - it weighs in 1/5ths!!!!!!!!! Omg omg omg gaaaaaah
It did not tell me this info when I ordered it.
The only half good thing is that even though it gave me a bunch of different weights, they were all within 1lb of each other - my old scales could be 4lbs different 3times in a row! So at least these are not as far out... they are pricey ones 2
I'm seeing the dietition again next week & i don't think I've lost anything this whole month - i gained & lost the same 4lbs so it's going to be sooooooo lame getting weighed there!
She was super nice & understanding about my health situations so It's not that I'm scared of her having a go at me - it's more that I don't want her thinking that I haven't been trying my hardest to get this weight off.
I do have a whole week till I see her but a miracle will not happen by then!
I think the 3lb bloat gain today has set me off on a panic - am trying to tell myself to stop being daft & just weigh in later in the week, get lots of exercise in & follow the plan & then I will know at least I'm trying my hardest.
The funny thing is that I've not gone strictly 'off-plan' at all! It just feels like it as I used all my weeklies last week & went out for 2 pub lunches & got take-away! Still all within points but it just doesn't feel possible to go out that much & still be on plan, ya know?
Oooooooof I really wish it wasn't totm - I'm in immense pain & full of stress & Rage.... and have awful cravings for chocolate!! Really has the power to make you go off plan

Still managed to 30mins on Wii fit

did a mix of the EA active & EA active 'more workouts' - i do the tennis & baseball & boxing on the 1st one, then Step aerobics & boxing on the 2nd

Love the step on 'more workouts' - you get super hot doing it & it's much faster & has lots more moves than the first wii fit game

Glad to be able to do exercise again even if it's not a huge amount - i say every bit of movement helps & if you get hot & sweat then it's gotta be helping!
Oh almost forgot - i saw my consultant at the hospital yesterday & he gave me an estimate of how much I need to lose before my op..... and it's 4-5 more stones!! Am quite concerned at how on earth I will get there! I've got to stop thinking that it's got to come off super super quick - arrrrrrrr!
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