Feeling pretty awful tonight

Had a right little wobble, as i'm on bed rest after the hospital i just got really sorry for myself & ended up eating a load of junk that i didn't even enjoy.
I know i shouldn't be to hard on myself while i'm in recovery but i'm annoyed that i gave in to my old coping strategy of feeding my sadness, pain & boredom.
I felt like i was doing really well for a few weeks there & now i've been knocked off course.
I've not been eating properly at all, having to rely on others to cook for me (i hate it soooo much! Hate being a burden!)
I've not eaten loads of junk till today though - for a few days i hardly ate at all but now i seen to be making up for it.
I've not been able to even track my points & think that in itself makes me feel out of control!
I can't help being sick & i must give myself time to recover - i just don't want to ruin the work i've put in over the past month.
I'm going to try & write off tonight's crazy food as a random pity party that i was too weak & ill to fight off.
Just wanted to write it down here as i'm feeling guilty & down about the junk - if i'd enjoyed it i wouldn't mind so much but i just ate random stuff i had lying about - not even stuff i would choose to eat normally! I can't even go to the shop to get treats that i do like, i wish my brain didn't turn to food in times of need!!
Ok going to try & sleep now, i know i'm going to feel even more gross in the morning *idiot!*
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