I don't think I realised how much sugar I ate until starting this diary. It could just be because it's Christmas and we have heaps of it in the house, but I don't think so. On the tube going into work and reading an interview with Davina McCall saying that she's cut out all processed sugar but still has things like agave and honey. Think I'm going to try that in the NY, all but one cheat day a week- probably my drinking day. That, 5:2 and generally eating healthily and lots of running. That's got to work right?!
Btw if you're near a waitrose and have a store card I recommend picking up a free copy of their jan mag, Waitrose Kitchen. It's got loads of healthy recipes and diet features. Well worth a read.
Oh and that's me and my big tummy!
Hiya hope Ya don't mind me writing on your diary, I'm 10.10 at the moment and would love to go back to 8.7 too, have you got a goal date? X
Not at all! Oddly I hadn't even thought of a target date but now you mention it Id like to be at 8.10 by the time I do the marathon on 12 April.
How about you? And what's your diet plan?
Would love to be 9.7 by March as ive got a weekend away planned, but defo want to be 8.7/8 by June, gonna be hard but I want it so bad I went to 8 stone twice last time being last year and it was amazing, I did it by slimming world/red days, now I'm on 5:2
12 miles run. 1391 cals burnt (according to the garmin). Knackered but happy.