Gold Member
Thanks Jess! Your message was a lovely boost to my motivation todayyes please could you let me know what you do, I think I'm going to start with walking a couple of times a week and hope that I will be more motivated after that.
Hi Nic
You're welcome, it is just the truth though
I had a one off personal trainer session where we did the following things which you could adapt to do at home I think. (there were a few more things but you would probably need the gym)
Kettlebell squats: Take a kettlebell (or something about 10lbs), stand with your legs shoulderlength apart, hold the item at chest level keep your back straight and squat. Hold the position for a few seconds and rise slowly upwards.
Step ups: self-explanatory, step up and down for 30 seconds at a time - I would use your bottom stair for this.
Abdominal crunches: where you keep your legs in the air at an angle (so legs up knees bent) and do small sit ups. Make sure to keep your muscles tight as you crunch.
Abdominal twist: sit on the floor, take your weight (can of beans) and twist to each side. Do 20 twists.
Standing one-arm dumbbell curl: take a weight (or maybe a can of beans or something a bit heavier) and do a bicep curl. do ten of these with each arm.
Lateral raise: take a weight (or maybe a can of beans or something a bit heavier), put your arm out straight to your side, and lower arm slowly towards the body then lift back up to starting position. do ten of these with each arm.
So i would take a few of these, and do them as a circuit. I think he said multiples of 12 are best so take 3 exercises and do 4 lots of them.
I hope this is clear enough, some are very hard to describe!
Walking is also definitely good for you, I try to walk more places since slimming