110 day countdown - CD Weight Loss Diary

Ooooooeeeeeerrrrrr let's hope so :) I've got a week in Weymouth in June so I'm planning & being a reasonable size by then :) x been using my slendertone every single day & can definately see a difference to my jelly belly (as my 5 year old calls it) - but that of course could just be lack of food hehehehe x hope alls going well for you :)
& oops it's actually day 10... Doesn't time fly when your having fun!
Day 11 & the scales seem to have slightly moved - but will await official weigh in tomorrow. Still 100% SS - amazing how you don't feel hungry at all tummy wise but mentally you do - it just proves to myself how often I eat (ate) through boredom, sadness, happiness, pure enjoyment, greediness etc etc rather than actually being hungry... But thoughts of food are becoming less so for now my sheer willpower is winning :)
Day 12 & official weigh in 75.7kg which CDC said was 4.5lbs off so a total of 8.5lbs to date - I know nothing amazing compared to most of your stunning weight losses but I am determined not to let this diet beat me... - will update my ticker later when log on to computer... Also bought some dulcolax pico perles as it's been 9 days since I have 'been' - not good - very uncomfortable & starting to come out in spots :-( x on a positive note bought some bars today & looking forward to munching in them from Tuesday onwards :)
Woo hoo just got back from cinema & resisted all temptation... well had a latte which is off plan but better than scoffing loads of popcorn, nachos, sweets & ice-cream like everyone else did :)
So much for willpower :-( ended up having a massive binge last night - too ashamed to even say what i ate...it was all junk - not one bit of it healthy... don't even know what possessed me to do it - saddo that I am has put it all into fitness pal & it comes in at just below 1600 cals & 187 carbs & the scales are already showing 1.5lbs up grrrrrr so mad at myself - that will be me out of ketosis for sure!!! sounds ridiculous but think I feel so crap (pardon the pun) because I still haven't 'been' - it's now 11 days & I'm in agony, gaining more spots by the day spent a fortune on movicol, senakot & now ducolax pico perles - nothing has worked - I'm starting to think is it really worth it... am I just trying to make excuses for myself... Probably yes... I don't know anymore... I have set out my 3 packs & 4 litres of water for the day - do I start afresh... why oh why can't I be naturally slim....
So far today strawberry shake, chocolate tetra & 4 litres of water :) - one day at a time from now on
Ahh lucy x let the guilt go amd move on - dont let it manifest - youve done it - u cant change it - but if u give up you will feel ten times worse , dont beat your self up honey xx
Thanks Jo - maybe I am being too hard on myself - just felt such a failure as this diet really is all or nothing - I stuck to it 100% again yesterday & drank 6 litres of water (yuk lol) and today that 1.5lb is back off :) - I never thought I'd say this but I'm glad to be back at work today as I find it so much easier :) x hope all is going well with you :) many thanks x
Ahh thats good ! Yep i massivley struggle at the weekends aswell - i think its habbit rather than hunger for me . Im going to start making a patchwork quilt this weekend - just to stave of the boredom of not eating lol xx
That sounds great Jo - I definately need to find a weekend hobby! Have a great day x
Working day nearly done :) so looking forward to eating a bar tonight mmm mmmm :) managed 3 litres of water so far & x2 tetra but stomach still rumbling - roll on Wednesday when I should be back in ketosis! Another big big big reason for never bingeing again!!!
Day 15 & feeling great again... onwards & downwards :)
Is loving the bars - mint, cranberry & peanut all delicious - shame can't have more than 1 a day!
Day 16 / here we go again - it all gets a bit boring this not eating lark - but need to focus on the weight loss not lack of food! Luckily I have a very busy day at work & a kids party after work to keep my mind occupied - but already thinking it will be early to bed for me again tonight. I am soooooo exhausted since doing this diet I am literally going to bed at the same time as my 6 year old which is ridiculous! How people find the energy to exercise baffles me - I'm like the walking dead :-( - however the scales are looking like -3 since Saturday so got to push through to the end of the week til official weigh in.
Almost survived another day :/) am looking forward to getting home & munching on my bar though! So far today 4.5 litres of water, endless mugs of peppermint tea & x2 tetra....
Well 23 days of not smoking & another 94 days til slimness (that sounds so much better than 110) so all in all I should be proud of myself :) think I will speak to my CDC about having a 200 cal meal from next week - will see what she says - as the weight is coming off slowly for me on ss anyway maybe it won't make much difference & I am missing eating with my LO x