☆ Saturday ☆ 0700 - 1900 Work Day
I love lemon drizzle cake so will have a look. I got home about an hour ago so feel better I can look after him now, looks like I'm just cooking din dins for one tonight, made him a bit of dry toast yum yum
Breakfast = 35g Oats (HexB) Mixed with a vanilla Muller Light.
Lunch = Tuna Pasta & Salad again (1 syn for the Mayo in it)
Dinner = x3 Tesco Healthy Living Sausages (3syns) Mash Potato (1 syn for the milk in it) Loads of cauliflower & Cabbage, Gravy made with bisto powder and an oxo cube (2 syns)
View attachment 183244
Snacks = x2 satsumer
Drinks = x2 Milky Coffees (HexA) Water, Diet cream soda.
Total Syns = 7
Yay I resisted eating rubbish! This is progress for me!