Hello lovelies last night is weigh in night for me & I lost an amazing 5.5lb I am over the moon. I worked really hard so I've now lost 1 st 7lb since I joined my class

. Being back in work certainly puts me in a routine which is good but I'm missing doing what I want when I want kind of sucks I guess. I go on holiday on the 19th October I cannot wait as this was booked pre weight loss we booked all inclusive. I've spent a lot of money for this holiday as it's a birthday present for me & my partner (she turns 30 15th October I turn 30 the 17th October) so any advice needed lol I want to enjoy my holiday so it's unlikely I will be counting calories more watching what I'm going to be eating but am I just setting myself up to fail ? Already I'm saying that October is going to be a no weightloss month my partners 30th going out with her family to celebrate going out together to celebrate then going out with my family to celebrate then our friends etc How would you approach this ? X