15 stone to a perfect 10

But this happened - purposely walked everywhere and paced my room a lot!


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I'm half getting back on plan today and fully tomorrow. 2 weeks 100% again until my friend comes to visit.

Might take me longer this week but I'm determined I can do this and be more comfortable on my holiday in June!

How you been? Still an angel?

Welcome whiskers!
Scales are showing 13 st 13 even with all the illegal food and drinks lol hope that stays and is not dehydration or something have tried to keep the water up x
That's brilliant news , I am still 100% but I amnt feeling it this week at all. It's My TOTM this week/next week and I just feel so bloated and yuck
I am getting weighed Monday morning this week as my lady is busy , I amnt hopeful for a loss but I am hoping the week after will show something
You might be fine as you've been good. Impacts people in different ways but as you said it could be a double whammy the week after.

I'm gonna text my lady and move my appt to the week after as got loads of products leftover x
Nice and chilled. Not on plan but good choices made so I'm good with that. Back on it today products down and about to have some seabass and veg.

How you been? Excited for your wi tomorrow. I'm weighing Friday morning x
Sounds yummy I am very jealous , currently sat like a Swiss roll on the sofa covered in blankets and full of cold
I weighed today as my lady is busy tomorrow , did 2kg and it's only been 6 days so I was happy with that considering I feel like slimer from Ghostbusters
Tissues stuck up your nose isn't a good look for anyone lol
Loving the anaolgies! Hope you feel better soon.

Amazing on the weight loss. How much is that altogether now? That's what you get for being on plan- oops!
9kg in total , the thing is my Cambridge lady doesn't seem that "Happy" with it !! Dunno if it's maybe a translation thing
How has your week been so far ? How is work now your appraisals are over and done with ?
That's what 20lb? That's incredible!

All OK still not doing much as waiting for sign off but should be able to see customers next week with observation then I can get properly signed off and get going. When I'm busy this diet will be easier to stick to as well x
Thats awesome and as you said the more your doing the less focused on the diet you will be
Are you doing just packs or packs and food ?
Packs and food. Sort of winging it... cd for breakfast and lunch and depending on my mood either a 3rd and meal or a bigger meal with healthy carbs.. kinda a mix between 800 and 1000.

What step are you doing? X
Just 3 packs a day , I am supposed to have 100g of cheek or fish and 100g of vegetables this week but I measured them out and TBH it's not worth it . I know if I started eating that I would end up like the Cookie Monster lol
How much do you want to lose altogether?

I don't measure my food. But that's because I'm a rebel and this was subconsciously I'm cheating but not my usual cheating!