150lbs to go

oh yeah good advice hun!

r u having the same meals each week? you could try experimenting with different meals! if u want any recipe ideas give us a shout! im sure we will be able to think of something
I think the exercise really helps you shift the weight, so once you're up to doing the walking you'll probably find it speeds up for you :)
Hello Kims Dad...AKA John Travolta!!

I lost 7.5 lb because I stuck to plan 100%, but then I am one of these people that can have a big loss, then nothing the following week.

The thing that really makes the difference for me is the exercise. When I was at my top weight I struggled to walk to the end of the street, but I started small walks, then walking the school 'run', then added longer route. I also have an exercise bike but admit i dont use that much now.

I realised that I needed to increase things and to my own amazement i joined a gym in November. I was petrified about walking into a room full of skinnies, but d'ya know what...they werent all skinny! We are all there for the same reason.

So, if I were you, Id start those walks, you will be amazed at what you can do when you put your mind to it. Good luck xx
Hi all,

Payday tomorrow and I think that I might treat myself to a pair of proper trainers. I usually wear deck shoes if I'm not wearing "proper shoes" but I don't think they're much good for serious walking. I'll have a look at a few sports shops this weekend and see what's available, any recommendations anyone?

Kate asked if I'm eating the same meals each week, well Kate I'm eating the same meals each day which is getting a bit boring.
I have a small bowl of muesli with semi skimmed milk for breakfast, a Morrisons eat smart chicken and sweetcorn pot noodle and a Muller light yoghurt at lunch time. In the evening I have either quorn chilli and rice, quorn curry and rice or tuna and pasta bake with a banana. I usually have another muller light yoghurt as a snack later in the evening. I've been drinking nothing but water for the last two months (I don't drink tea or coffee). At the weekends I usually eat a jacket potato for lunch, either with tuna (no mayo) or with a turkey steak and low fat beans.
The weight is still coming off so I'm a bit reluctant to change a winning formula but I think that I might cook up something different this weekend and fill the freezer again.

Kims dad
Hey kims dad!

If its working for ya stick with it! If u start to get bored or find u r sts shake it up! im more than happy to give ya a few ideas if u need any! Got loads of low fat slimming world recipes! Got a great sausage casserole made using a colmans packet! I usually use quorn sausages but i know u dont like em! Morrisons eat smart sausages r really low fat so you can use them instead!

r u on face book? you can never have too many friends! :)

Hiya Kims Dad...the only advice Id give about the trainers is to 'wear them in' before you go on any big walks....coz when I got mine I had blisters the size of 10 pence pieces! I even posted on the exercise thread coz i was in agony and was so desperate to continue my walking once Id made the decision, and they all said its pretty common...new trainers = blisters!

Ive got Nike ones but years ago I used to swear by Reebok...they seem better for wider foot.

Id say it would probably help you to vary your menu a little bit, I too tend to stick to what works, and have phases with stuff...roasted red pepeer and butternut squash soup is the current repetative feature on my menu!
Hi Kim's Dad,
I'm relatively new here (but not to dieting, sadly!) and I've just worked my way through all your diary posts (I don't know how I missed this thread until now!)
Your story is inspirational, and it sounds like you're doing fantastically. There's nothing like the feeling you get when people start noticing that you've lost weight (especially people who don't know you're dieting). What's even better is when you see someone you haven't seen for ages and they do a double take when they see you!

As far as food is concerned, it looks like you're onto a winning formula, and broadly, I think if it's not broken, don't fix it - but on the other hand, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider.
I read a magazine article the other week that said that dieters are more succesful when they stick to a limited range of foods. The theory was that years ago, we didn't have the vast array of foods that we have today and because of this, people were resigned to the narrow range of foods that were available. We found this mundane, but because we weren't excited by the tastes we were experiencing, we weren't tempted to over-indulge.
Nowadays, we have so many different foods from so many different cultures, and
the variety of food is amazing. This means that we are ever-hungry to taste these different foods, and so we over-indulge. Also when we're shopping, if we don't have routine/set meals to plan, we're bombarded my choice, and so we're tempted to be lured into buying things that compromise our healthy eating plans.

I'm not sure what I think about that theory - like I said, it was just an article (I think Dr Raj Persaud wrote it). But it reminded me of my childhood - we had a set meal for every day of the week (bacon and eggs on Friday, steak on Saturday, roast dinner on Sunday etc, etc...)

On the other hand, I do believe that we need some variety to keep ourselves interested and to shake things up a bit when we've reached a plateau. That might just mean introducing one new dish into your regular meals every now and then, or trying a new vegetable or something.

I'm just rambling now - this wasn't meant to be a debate on the psychology of eating!!! I'll go now, and I'll enjoy reading about your progress in the coming weeks/months.

By the way, I made a lovely mushroom risotto the other day. Think it was a WW recipe. It was proper belly-warming food, perfect for this weather!
Thanks for all the advice it's much appreciated. I'd love to hear about all your special recipies as I'm slowly building up my low fat culinary skills. Kate, I've managed to avoid facebook so far but if I need to register to get your sausage casserole recipie I'll do it straight away :D Thanks for your post Alex, I'd never thought about the reasons for limiting the variety of food available but it make sense to me. I do find that I'm not snacking between meals at all nowadays and that might be because all I have to snack on is food similar to that which I've only recently eaten.
Off to look for trainers later, as I've got wide feet I'll check out the Reebok ones first.

This is what I've been doing this morning
I emptied the contents of a 300g bag of quorn beef style pieces in to a saucepan and poured over a jar of Uncle Ben’s Chilli con Carne sauce, to this I added a jar of Tesco Whole Foods red kidney beans plus half a pint of water plus a large shaking of dried crushed chillis. I then simmered it for 20 minutes whilst I steamed three cups of rice.
I poured the cooked chilli and rice into a large bowl and mixed it all together before freezing five separate portions.
According to the labels the nutritional value is as follows

Energy 288 calories from the quorn, 285 calories from the sauce, 250 calories from the kidney beans and 600 calories from the rice.
This comes in at under 300 calories per meal

Fat 6g from the quorn, 2.5g from the chilli sauce, 1.4g from the kidney beans and 1.2g from the rice.
This comes in at under 2.5g of fat per meal

What’s more it tastes absolutely delicious.

Speak soon.
I love a bit of chilli :) sounds very hot with the added chilli peppers though!
Way to go KD! That recipe is right up my street. I did a good moussaka last week that froze quite well, and I do a decent low fat lasagne that freezes well, I'll post the recipes sometime. I'm still on my quest to make an authentic tasting low fat curry, not as easy as it sounds.
ooooh is it a sw recipe??? im gaggin to try a lasange but dunno how to do the white sauce
heres the sausage casserole dish!... well its not really mine its of the back of a colmans sausage mix hehe

A colmans mix made up
4 quorn sausages (or low fat real ones in your case!)
50g mushrooms
1 onion
200g baked beans

Chuck it all in a casserole dish and cover, cook for 1hour!!

r u counting cals too? i have the cals for it too!

hope u r having a fab weekend
Thanks Kate I'll give your recipie a go next weekend as I've got loads of quorn curry, quorn chilli con carne and tuna and pasta bake to get through this week. I'm not really counting the calories because I'm hoping that low fat equals low calories however I think that I'm averaging about 1500 a day at the moment.
I bought some Nike trainers yesterday but haven't actually done any excercise yet (unless 2 hours ironing counts) I'm waiting until it's a bit warmer so Kim and I can go to the park together. Previously she used to ride about on her bike whilst I sat on a bench watching her but this year should be more fun for her as I intend to join in with her games a lot more.
I'm not sure if there is such a thing as an authentic tasting low fat curry, I tend to use tikka masala pour over sauces as they're relatively low in fat. I used to make a lovely Thai green curry but that was full of coconut milk which I believe is about 20% fat so that's out of the window for now. If I come across any recipies I'll post them here.

Kims Dad
Torture, definitely torture

My mum has an ironing lady!
Hiya Kims dad...how are you getting on??
helllo mr kims dad!

hows it going mate?
Hi all,
Sorry I've not been around for a while but I've had a few computer problems at home - PC worked OK until I upgraded to Windows 7 and now reboots itself when it's a bad mood, usually just as I'm about to post something on an internet forum and I lose all my hard work:cry:

Had a weigh in at the docs today, I've lost 10kgs in 6 weeks (which works out as 22lbs in old money). He was more than pleased as my blood pressure was also the lowest that it's been for ages at 130/80.
I've lost 3 stone since December 1st so am about a third of the way towards my goal of getting down to 16 stone however my ideal weight is 13 1/2 stone.

I'm still living on quorn curry and quorn chilli both with rice and probably will be for another month as I filled the freezer when Morrisons had a 50% off Quorn promotion a few weeks ago.

Kim had sausage and chips from the chippy for tea tonight and the portion of chips was huge and she left most of them so I threw them in the bin to avoid temptation. A few months ago I would have polished them off for her as I didn't like to see food going to waste.

How're you all doing? I'm going to have a browse through all the other threads to catch up with all the latest news. Last time I logged onto the forum Kate had hit the vodka and was feeling a little bit fragile, then again every time I log on Kate has been hitting the bottle and is feeling fragile :D:D:D only joking:p

I'm off for a read to see what mischief you've all been up to so I'll speak again soon.
wow 22lbs in 6 weeks is fab kim dad!

Really good to hear your still keepin up the good fight! Well done on chucking the chippies in the bin! Ive not had a great week...well food wise anyway! Im a sucker for munching the girls leftovers lol!

Speak soon!

love vinegar liz
(aka katie)