Finally Pregnant!!
Ha... Finally I've met someone who doesn't like ppl buying them Christmas n birthday gifts... Everyone thinks i'm weird coz I hate it.. I mean, its nice to get gifts of course.. But everyone has so much more important stuff going on that they don't need to be spending on me!! Finally.. Am not aloneGlad I'm not the only one that feels this way.
Yes... I understand that he's doing it because he wants me to be happy, and me being happy results in him being happy.
But it's just so much.
I'm used to paying my own way as well.
I hate borrowing money.
I owe my mum a huge amount from the past year/18 months where I've been in and out of work.
And I'm slowly trying to pay her back.
But I just feel so guilty taking people's hard earned money away from them.
I don't even like people buying my birthday/Christmas presents.
I do feel that if I take it, then I'd never be able to repay him, not necessarily in money, but in any kind of way in the relationship.
He doesn't see it that way though, so I suppose that's a good thing, that he's not exactly expecting me to pay it back - he's doing it because he wants to.
I don't let him pay me petrol money to go see him, and I buy weetabix & squash for the house regularly because I use it when I'm there, and I feel that covers me using his water, electricity, wifi etc.
If we were to go out somewhere, like when we're going on holiday, we'll split the petrol, and I don't mind little things, like a dress as you suggested Brona, but not a whole shopping spree.
He's just too kind hearted.
He really is adorable and I'm just not used to being treated like it.
I've just got along making my own way.
Thanks for your opinions ladies =)
Also doesn't help my birthday is right before Christmas so on top of ppl's usual money commitments they've Christmas around the corner...